Western Rifle Shooters Association

Do not give in to Evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Fjordman: Mohammed And Charlemagne Revisited

From Andrew Bostom via Gates of Vienna, please take the time to read Fjordman's latest.

Scavengers exploit decay and decline.

Is there a rational reason not to expect much more of both throughout the West?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a good article.

I've been spending a bit of time at GoV lately.

We always think "It's different this time", don't we? Like a battered woman returning to her husband.

It's different this time, right?

No, it's not.


April 10, 2011 at 5:40 AM  
Blogger Pat H. said...

Yes, AP, the history of Muslims and civilization is very interesting. I first noticed this back in the mid-nineties when there was some mention of the loss of a law suit by muslims that had been run out of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella by 1492. So, 500 years later they were still not just pissed about their loss, but still thought that the Spanish should allow them to reclaim land that they'd won by the sword.

We all can bet that all mosques established on American soil will be contested should we, appropriately, remove the Muslims from it. Muslims regard all land that they occupy as a gift from Allah, when we civilized people run them off, that's blasphemy against Allah.

In short, they'll never quit. The only way to change them is to kill them.

April 10, 2011 at 3:51 PM  
Blogger Dedicated_Dad said...

REGARDLESS of your opinion of him, Glenn Beck did a stellar job of explaining what drives "modern" islamic behavior on his 2/17 show.

His vid (Part 1 of 3) is here.

In short, Islam teaches that in the "end times" a great leader will come. One branch (Sunni, IIRC) believes he'll be just a regular guy arising out of the masses, the other (Shia?) believe he will be the "12th Imam" returned or reincarnated.

He then went on to compare what some Christians believe to what Islam teaches:

Christians: In the end-times, a powerful leader ("The Antichrist") will appear. He'll make peace with Israel, then break the treaty. He'll invade Israel, slaughter the Jews, behead millions of people and eventually lead us to "the final battle" (Armageddon) - after which Jesus will return, and impose the reign of Christians on earth for 1,000 years.

Muslims: In the end-times, a powerful leader ("The 12th Imam" or "Mahdi") will appear. He'll make peace with Israel, then break the treaty. He'll invade Israel, slaughter the Jews, behead millions of people and eventually lead us to "the final battle" - after which Jesus will return.

In this version, he comes back to tell us that we're all wrong, he never claimed to be G*d, didn't rise from the dead, and that we should all follow this "Imam" guy.

Then the "Mahdi" will impose the reign of Muslims on earth for 1,000 years.

Now, if this doesn't give you chills, you're broken. Given that the book of Revelation was around for several hundred years before Big-Mo, the only possible conclusion is that SOMEONE in Islamic history deliberately wrote their "messiah" narrative to be the mirror-opposite of the Christian Antichrist!

But it gets better...!

They believe that their "messiah" can only come when there's a sufficient level of chaos and bloodshed in the world -- and that it's their DUTY to CREATE this chaos and bloodshed, so as to bring about the return of the Mahdi!!

Best of all, Ach-My-Dinner-Jacket spends part of every public speech he makes calling for the return of his "messiah."

Still think their nuke-program is no threat?

April 12, 2011 at 5:06 PM  

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