Western Rifle Shooters Association

Do not give in to Evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it

Monday, May 24, 2010

Welfarization & The Capsizing of Democracy

Please read this article by Jim Bovard, which begins:

The Founding Fathers intended that America be composed of self-reliant individuals who would not hesitate to pull the reins in on their rulers. However, in the past 75 years, the soaring number of government dependents has made it far more difficult to curb politicians’ power. Federal policy is dividing society between “those who work for a living and those who vote for a living,” as H.L. Mencken quipped during the New Deal.

In recent decades, politicians have launched one recruiting campaign after another to persuade Americans to accept federal handouts. The Heritage Foundation created an Index of Dependency to measure the rising number of Americans reliant on government. The index gauges “the pace at which federal government services and programs have been growing in areas in which private or community-based services and programs exist or have existed to address the same or nearly the same needs.” The index is based on housing aid, healthcare and welfare assistance, retirement income, and subsidies for college and other post-secondary education.

The Heritage Index rated the level of dependency in the United States at 22 in 1964, the year that Lyndon Johnson launched his Great Society. By 1980, the year before the Reagan Revolution commenced, the index had risen to 100. By 2008, the index had soared to 240, signaling a ten-fold increase of dependency on the federal government over the prior 40+ years.

Take the time to read the rest.

Do you understand that scores of millions of your fellow Americans ("Americans" at least by nation of residence, if not by individualist ethics) would tear you and yours into bloody chunks were you ever to attempt to reduce their "benefits"?

Are you ready to starve the monkeys yet?

To quote Billy Beck:

You're either at the table or on the menu. Life under Amsoc.


Blogger The_Chef said...

Have you read his book 'Terrorism and Tyranny'? It's quite an interesting read.

May 25, 2010 at 4:56 AM  

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