Western Rifle Shooters Association

Do not give in to Evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it

Friday, February 20, 2009

Why They Must Disarm All Thinking Americans

Denninger explains:

On Our Fraudulent Economy

This morning Rick Santelli went nuclear on the entire "fraudulent mortgage" game - the culmination of a series of rants that he has (correctly) launched over the last year.

(As an aside, great minds must think alike, as we both had the "extra bathroom" thing in our morning rants!)

You can view it here (can't embed as its a CNBS video clip)

Here's the point folks, when you get down to it:

  • The entire last two decades of so-called "Economic Growth" has been fueled by one fraud after another, starting with the Internet Bubble.
  • This fraud has been systematic and the mainstream media has been both an implicit and explicit enabler of these frauds, instead of doing its job, which is to root them out. The looks on the faces of the other CNBC "anchors" was one of abject fear - perhaps parts of "The Fourth Estate" is coming to realize that when the pitchforks and torches come out - and they certainly will if we hold the course we're on - they might have some trouble explaining why they shouldn't be near the head of the list of those being "sought"?
  • The conflicts of interest in the media, where their advertising dollars come from those who are promulgating and profiting from these frauds means that they must choose between their job of protecting the public (their essential purpose under The First Amendment) and being a willing accomplice in the theft being performed by the prime actors in these frauds.
  • With the exception of a few months around 1995 (which roughly coincided with Microsoft's release of Win/95, the first "consumer" system of wide acceptance that had a dialer built in along with a web browser) the Internet NEVER doubled in size every three months. Yet this was paraded as the statistic to justify all the bubble companies up until the bubble burst in the spring of 2000. I was one of hundreds if not thousands of people with access to the core of the network and KNEW this was a lie. Nobody would report the truth. Proof? Read all about it:
    • And that's not the only thing Denninger feels strongly about. Though the Internet made him a millionaire -- his stake in MCS was rumoured to be worth US$12 million at the time of the company's sale -- the feisty Midwesterner has nothing but scorn for the industry overall.

      "I refused to take any stake in the acquiring firm. The shell game being played by these corporations is astounding," he said.

      Denninger has also steadfastly avoided investing any of his personal fortune in the Internet: "I refuse to have anything to do with the Nasdaq 100. There will be a shake-out, and when it comes, it will be ugly and it will happen fast."

      He might as well have been speaking of Black Week, April 10 through April 14, when the Nasdaq crashed.

      The volatility of Net stocks in the past few weeks makes Denninger seem prescient, but his dislike for the unseemly marriage of breathless hype and dubious business plans is visceral.

  • When the Internet bubble collapsed it was decided to intentionally pump liquidity into the system and ignore both banking regulations and the law, making possible the housing bubble.

  • When the leverage ran out Henry Paulson, who was then with Goldman Sachs, came to Congress and the SEC and asked for the ability to run what would turn into effective infinite leverage. The request was granted.

  • The very same Henry Paulson, having done this, then bailed off and became The Secretary of the Treasury. He was fully aware of what was going on when the bubble started to come apart in 2007 because he personally lobbied for the changes in law that made the terminal blow off possible!

  • Every single one of the firms that has blown up has had leverage far higher than the former 14:1 legal limit. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, Bear Stearns and Lehman - all had leverage at least twice the former legal limit when they blew up. After the first blowup Treasury and the SEC could have slammed the door on this and forced leverage to be taken back down - in August of 2007. Government intentionally refused to take that action despite myself and others screaming about it.
  • Hundreds of billions of dollars were siphoned off by the banksters and common Americans as a consequence of willfully-blind and even fraudulent "lending."

If you measure "prosperity" by stock prices we're somewhere back in 1997 or 1998. But if the entirety of these two bubbles were fraud-driven (and they were) then a realistic expectation is that we will not only return to 1995 stock prices (about ~450 on the S&P 500) but we will over-correct significantly because the debt that this fraud created still remains in the economy!

That could easily cut the S&P in half again, which puts my 210 "oh God" print on the table, no?

Let's be clear here: There is no way out of this box, and the corruption and fraud have permeated every corner of our financial, media and governmental systems.

We give "free" education and health care to illegal aliens, paid for out of citizen tax dollars. Our government supports this.

We propose to give "foreclosure relief" to people who lied on their mortgage applications; how many of the so-called "rescue" programs would have ANY uptake among the public if as part of the refinance or assistance process the original paperwork was re-underwritten to discover if you lied, and if you did, you were prosecuted instead of being helped?

We have done exactly nothing to indict and prosecute the banking executives, the housing industry executives and others in the business world who contributed to these lies and frauds, in some cases explicitly.

The Congresspeople who got "special deals" from Countrywide Financial (and others) on their mortgages remain in office and are not being charged and tried for what, in my opinion, amounts to public corruption. The amounts involved here are not small - the "savings" in many cases ran into the tens of thousands of dollars.

It has been disclosed that several sitting Congressmen received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Stanford Financial (now under investigation on suspicion of not only bilking investors but also money laundering!); the firm also allegedly gave eight hundred thousand dollars to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee during a year that Congress was debating a bill that would have tightened anti-fraud provisions against the securities industry. The bill was killed in a Senate committee.

We learned that government employees are also profligate tax cheats! Not only the high-profile ones like Geithner and Daschle either - this is an across-the-board problem:

The Internal Revenue Service is trying to collect billions of dollars in unpaid taxes from nearly half a million federal employees. According to IRS records, 171,549 current federal workers did not voluntarily pay their federal income taxes in 2007. The same is true for 37,752 active duty military and nearly 200,000 retired civilian and military personnel.

Documents obtained by WTOP through the Freedom of Information Act show 449,531 federal employees and retirees did not pay their taxes for a total of $3,586,784,725 in taxes owed last year.

What?! Oh, and with the exception of the IRS, you can't be fired as a government employee for not paying your taxes either. You can't make stuff like this up folks - nobody would believe you.

I'm tired of people demanding that I cover the bad bets they made as a consequence of fraud throughout the system, while the people responsible, including those in industry and Washington DC go unpunished.

The fruit of a poison tree is also poisonous and if you were a victim of that fraud (that is, you didn't knowingly buy a house you can't afford, you didn't overstate your income and you didn't intentionally speculate on home price appreciation - you instead bought responsibly, you didn't exceed 36% DTI on the back end, you put significant money down and you took a conventional mortgage - not one of those fancy "Option ARM" rent-a-house products that you'd NEVER be able to pay off on the original terms) then you should be looking to those who DID commit fraud for recourse, not the government and everyone else's tax dollars.

If on the other hand you did overstate your income, you did take out an OptionARM, you did lever yourself up to your neck, you did play the "House is an ATM" game or you did speculate with your house then you deserve exactly nothing for help because you participated in an intentional attempt to game economic and financial reality and lost.

Now for those who merely speculated and lost (and there are a lot of them) I believe we should reverse the Bankruptcy "reform" act so you can access the courts and find relief, both spreading the pain to the lender who imprudently granted you credit and accepting a lot of that pain yourself in the form of a destroyed credit rating for the next seven years.

But for those who overstated their income or otherwise committed some form of fraud - and let's be clear here folks, mortgage fraud is a federal offense - what those people deserve is a long stay in prison.

Since we seem to have a shortage of prison space I recommend that we immediately decriminalize all non-violent drug possession and consensual sales between adults, expunging their sentences and releasing those prisoners. We can then tax drug sales (and sell them in DRUG STORES, which are conveniently named), use the money to pay for treatment programs, but more importantly we will have plenty of room to jail all the fraudsters, including the banking executives and Congresspeople that got us into this mess.

Our economy must contract to a sustainable level - period. This is not a matter of what we want, it is a matter of what is possible.

A bubble economy built on fraud cannot be reflated once it pops and the fraud is exposed at the level to which it occurred in this case. It is simply not possible.

We must deal with the underlying rot in our financial and political systems, and until we do in a forceful and forthright fashion we will continue to see economic malaise and destruction.

Wake up America.


Do you really think that the bankers, their bought-and-paid-for politicians, the lumpenproletariat Looters, and the armies of armored henchmen who protect them all want you to have any ability whatsoever to say "No!"?

Especially if your objections come in the form of high-velocity action, rather than mere words?

Veritas vos liberabit.

The truth will set you free.

But you will be damned uncomfortable along the way.


Blogger The_Chef said...

This rant does not address the root of the problem: The Federal Reserve's monopoly control of fiat currency.

While you guys at WRSA tend to get a lot of things right, this post sounds more like a hysterical conspiracy theory that actual economic analysis.

Are there shell games being played? Yes. Is the government heavily embedded in this mess? Yes. Are there groups that are trying to manipulate the bubbles for their own gain? You betcha.

But the root of the problem is that there is no backing for currency. Money is literally worth only what people think it is worth.

Get rid of the Fed, go back to a gold standard and allow private issue currencies and THAT will take a huge flying leap toward securing a stable future.

February 20, 2009 at 6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the "War on Thugs", don't forget to include union organizers, executives, and stewards who have held American manufacturers hostage to the point of extinction with the demands for benefits and pay that far outweigh the performance of most of their workers and for specializing jobs to the point where workers uncrating parts cannot pick up the garbage because, "it's not my job, man".

And before you get upset about this post, ask yourself why a CAR costs $40,000 and then is most likely going to have warranty issues costing the owner even MORE money? In the words of a union worker I once knew, "I don't care if it works or not...I still get MY money.

Something to remember: Collective bargaining, as it's known today, is nothing short of Socialism.

February 20, 2009 at 11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The United States deciding to uphold it's Constitutional duty of Printing it's own money is what got Lincoln and JFK killed. No, the policians got the message. Go up against the Rothschilds Central Banks and stop paying their criminal interest rates and die.Here's a quaint idea, stop paying for your mortgages and credit and let the banks bankrupt for a change. It's only paper backed by your consent. Stop your consent. III

February 20, 2009 at 2:43 PM  
Blogger ReverendFranz said...

"This rant does not address the root of the problem: The Federal Reserve's monopoly control of fiat currency."

Plus 10.

And i only came into the comment section to make the same point.

Are the people involved willfully misrepresenting the facts for monetary gain, and therefor guilty of fraud? yes, but that is so "small picture."

Its like blaming a hotdog vender for misrepresenting the content of his franks, when no one is pointing any fingers at the factory that is cranking out feline frankfurters. They lie, yes, only because it wouldnt work any other way, i mean, would you go to the hotdog vendor that admits that he is selling shoddy meat, or the one that smiles at you and a exclaims "100% American Beef"? It doesnt change the product, and could you really blame the vendor when the government mandates, with police force, that it is the only meat you are allowed to sell?? To honestly represent your hotdogs would be market suicide, that doesnt make it the source of the fraud.

Ive taken the hot dog analagy far enough, the fact is that the federal reserve system itself is inherently fraudulent, and provided, (in the form of Greenspans infamous 1% intrest rate, et al) the various incentives to commit that fraud, designed to baloon the economy back to life through increasingly thinly stretched derivatives of derivatives, to pay off an unsustainable and inhereintly instable debt based consumption economy.

Its fine to point out that its just a shell game, and that these assets were leveraged so far that they were esentially worthless, but you must realize that you arent the only one that could see that, _including the bankers that were buying those leveraged assets._ The fact is, those assets would not have sold on an open or deregulated market. The only reason they were sold and resold (to such moral peril!) was that the incentive to do so was dutifully provided by the Federal Reserve/Federal Regulatory Agencies with the aditional, bankable, implied backing of the full faith and value of the american government.

The same thing has been done for years by the foreign branch of the Fed, the IMF, and when those loans cant be paid back, (they were'nt viable) what do they do? they go to congress, and ask americans to pay them off. Whats the difference here?

Thats where the value came from, and why those banks kept selling (and buying)

American Government Interference, in adition to the inheriently fraudulent way that money is created, in the Federal Reserve System, is what gave those leveraged assets continued value beyond what the market could honestly bear, and is the source of ALL of the fraud we are seeing today.

As for madoff, how is what he did any worse than what paulson does every day?

Abolish the Fed Today.

February 20, 2009 at 8:09 PM  
Blogger ReverendFranz said...

As for the manufacturing prices the commenter above tried to blame on union labor, try thinking about how buying a house on credit works.

Go add it up, the land, the labor, the materials...

If you are lucky, (and i mean very lucky) you are looking at 50% of what will be paid into the final mortgage.

The bank, on any given house, is making over half of the end value of the home. FOR DOING NOTHING.

Now what makes you think a car is any different?

Its not the productive sector that bears the brunt of the blame for pricing, or the disparity between work output and value received, i think that really belongs to the UNPRODUCTIVE financial sector, which unfortunately, through government manipulation, has become the center of our economy today.

February 20, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

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