Western Rifle Shooters Association

Do not give in to Evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it

Monday, February 7, 2011

Staying Warm, Part I

Arctic Patriot sends.

Best to read, learn, and remember.

Who says you're going to be rucking in your accustomed climate?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More of a practical/tactical application to follow.

Thanks for the link!


February 7, 2011 at 5:15 AM  
Anonymous The Trainer said...

First, think Maneuver Warfare. Once that mindset is achieved, one of the best things to do for deep winter ops in a LI (Light Infantry) environment is to dump the tents. Every. Single. One. Tents blind the user and keep condensation inside where the user is sleeping.

Go to tarp/basha-type lean-to's over a snow trench. Keep the wind off, which is half the battle, keep a lower profile, and be able to respond much more quickly to an emergency. You can see, hear, and smell much better from a lean-to.

Snowshoes: Don't skimp. Practice. Use snow poles. Make sure you decide on a size that will take you and your ruck.

Snivel gear: Dress very light when walking/snowshoeing. Sweat is your enemy.

Sleds: Invaluable! Jet sleds are good. Wax the bottom heavily if you can. It makes a difference when pulling your load. Get a cover on the sled to keep snow out. Great shelters for your gear when 'hootching up' with your lean to. You are under the tarp; your gear is under your sled.

Just a few tips...

February 7, 2011 at 1:29 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

Sleds are great. Take a 3x4 tub and put a line on it. You can get them at HomeDepot and they are for mixing concrete. You can pull more that you can carry. Use them all the time to retrieve larger critters from places you cannot drive to.

Winter ops are something we all need as global warming has triggered a new ice age. We will all be going south soon.

February 7, 2011 at 3:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I largely agree, a well equippen ahkio sled, including tent, including stove, has literally saved lives more than once.

I scoffed at light infantry in tents, too. I was tough, a young sergeant, and tents were a liability, a crutch...

Until my first week at -50°.

Now I'm a believer.

In my experience, tents in extreme cold are reasonable if security is maintained.

If "cold" is 20, 0, or even -20°, fine, I can see ditching the tents. I agree totally if the cold is not severe, tough it out and improvise shelter. Snow shelters are outstanding, and they work.

If we're talking extended ops in real cold, say -50° for weeks, tents and stoves become more of a neccessity. In my AO, the cold can and will kill you if you're exposed.

If tents become a neccessity, tactics, terrain selection, and security requirements change.

They are heavy, they are cumbersome, and they blind you, but when cold becomes a matter of life or death in minutes, compromises must be sometimes made.

A time for everything.



February 8, 2011 at 3:12 AM  
Anonymous The Trainer said...

AP - Love them ahkios! Understand and agree about deep, deep cold. My AO tends to get to about -25 at worst except for the rarest of occassions.

If I were where you are, I'd have to agree. Logistics would be a nightmare, but a nightmare and not becoming a coldweather KIA beats the alternative!

You have some great posts on this, AP!

Tango Yankee.

February 8, 2011 at 2:39 PM  

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