Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Spring 2011: Welcome to the United States of Austerity

(click on graph to enlarge)
From Laboratoire Européen d'Anticipation Politique comes this press release (full report is available by subscription only) gazing into the near-term crystal ball.

Not pretty.

Bonne chance, mes amis.


  1. If you read the Communist Manifesto, elimination of private property and the inherent wealth it represents is one of the goals.
    Heard about the provision in the health care bill that levies a 3.8% sales tax on real estate? Starts in 2013, I believe.
    Oh, no, the crash of the GLOBAL economy is not due to incompetence or apathy. It's been carefully designed.

  2. On top of all this, the government is considering a tax on DEBT, to DIScourage borrowing (including mortgages?), which it calls "risky behavior."
    Do as we say, not as we do, we running up debt in trillions, with a TR.

  3. Thinking globally: "Volkswagen plans to pick Mexico [instead of Chattanooga, Tennessee]as the site for an engine plant to serve its assembly plant in that country and the automaker’s Chattanooga factory, according to a report. ...

    VW officials were looking at manufacturing capacity and consumer demand in locating the plant...

  4. Thinking globally: "Volkswagen plans to pick Mexico as the site for an engine plant to serve its assembly plant in that country and the automaker’s Chattanooga [Tenn.] factory, according to a report. ...

    VW officials were looking at manufacturing capacity and consumer demand in locating the plant."
    My Colgate toothpaste was made in Mexico. Who knows what's in it?
    People can blame the demanding labor unions, but consider the executive suite denizens who won'
    t give up their $50,000 BONUSES on top of their $500,000+ salaries to give workers a 2% raise to keep up with inflation.
    The media corporation I used to work for has prevailed in labor relations court. Four laid off part-time workers with decades with the company will NOT get severance pay totaling $40,000 FOR ALL FOUR. Uh, that's like the annual bill for the fancy flower arrangements in the lobby.

  5. Mountain States, PA, Missouri, Texas... maybe Ohio sound like they're good bets for coming together into free communities.

    The great disadvantage of the Mountain States is that communities are isolated by tens, even hundreds of miles so the need for fuel is greater. Isolated communities can be cut off, taken out and who in the mainstream media is going to risk their jobs and lives reporting on a raid on a town... unless it's to paint those freedom lovers as dangerous kooks taking Waco to the next level. Advantage: remote, defensible terrain. W.W. Johnstone and Ken Royce each made novels about patriots taking stands in this area so if those two figured out the advantages...

    The great disadvantage of states like Ohio and Pennsylvania is that there are more of the beast's servants in close proximity. Also more starving desperate zombies in the same close proximity. The advantage is more in the way of road networks, access to resources and people, and perhaps other free communities.

    Free communities? Lone wolves won't make it. Even chain linked survival groups will be clandestine. What will eventually be needed is gained ground-and ground gained politically and kept(as long as possible, at least until the fed hammer's dropped)will mean access to resources and people. Free Americans from their concealed tyranny and you win their hearts and minds.
