Wednesday, September 22, 2010

If We'd Only Leave Them Alone

Read Mark Steyn's latest, along with this report on the spread of sharia via Denninger.

Apologists for the Crusades, start your commenting engines....

For the rest of you, ask yourself whether or not your daughters will submit to the burqa.


  1. I think its time we responded to the 'Holy War' against the west. Attempting to ignore it or willfully mislabeling it doesnt seem to be working very well.

  2. you know, anyone could disguise in a burqa and carry just about anything underneath of it.

    Just saying.


  3. When I was young, I saw a documentary on hyenas. The dominant female in the pack had another female rolled on her back whining and offering her soft underbelly in submission. As the subordinate female licked the alpha female and simpered and whined, the dominant female went to the subordinate female's nesting area and killed her pups one by one, carrying them to the subordinate female and dropping them in front of her. More fawning, more licking until all were dead.
    I was moved to tears. My friend thought something was wrong with me. Maybe I just understood better that it's not only the lower animals who are capable of this behavior.

  4. Lan astaslem! I will not submit!

  5. When I see the rag-head women (or whomever is hiding under that rag) my thoughts turn to ideas of what would happen if they got splashed/sprayed etc with a little lighter fluid or other flammable liquid. One thought leads to another. How about those pix of the streets in France lined up with thousands for their daily prayers? The word "firetruck" could get a whole new meaning if there was kerosene in those tanks that used to carry water.
    Take care, Sparky

  6. No. My daughters will not. And I have already given them their rifles, and have started their training at a young age so they can properly punctuate the "hell no!"

    America will not be conquered by Sharia, or by a Caliphate. Won't happen - well except for perhaps in NY.

  7. "For the rest of you, ask yourself whether or not your daughters will submit to the burqa."

    The solders are not demanding our daughters submit to burqas, they are demanding our daughters submit to backscatter X-ray porn scanners and palms-forward searches in their underware at the airport. If a street gang set up that kind of gauntlet on the sidewalk, it would be called rape. Figure out how to defend yourself from official armed rape, and the solders demanding burqas will be a non-issue.

  8. The Moslem assholes here need to ask themselves whether they want to die here, or in Saudia Arabia. Because they're not staying here.

  9. Anon at 8:54:

    "Either or" analysis will not suffice in the polygonal battlespace.

    "And" is the correct analysis, as in "Stop the MFs with the backscatter radars AND the medieval moon-god collectivists".

    See how easy that was?

    Try it yourself....

  10. I'm still not convinced which 'Radical Abrahamists' I should be more afraid of.

    The couple of thousand over seas that want to try incite members of Abrahamist C to take over the western world or the couple of hundred members of Abrahamist religion B in my own county that would like nothing more than to see me lose my job, have my children taken away and even see me jailed just because I'm a member of a non-Abrahamist minority religion.

    KD needs to grasp cause and effect. He's no genius when it comes to foreign policy.

  11. Here is my opinion of the shape of my polygonal battlespace. I myself alone am in the center of a field, surrounded by rings of enemies. For the first ring of enemies closest to me, all have American passports. Half of the circle work in enforcement for various levels of government. Some are armed enforcers, some are taxing and licensing bureaucrats who pick targets for the armed enforcers. The other half of the circle are citizens who may get paid by the government for their jobs, but think of themselves as citizens. A few are Bilderbergers who fully understand what they are doing and why. Most are Socialists driven by Envy who feel that if they can't achieve something, I can't be allowed to do it myself. A fairly large number are Socialist do-gooders who will honestly be flabbergasted that their constitutional conservative respect for obeying laws leads to results like Nazi Germany.

    The second ring of enemies has the same composition as the first ring, but they have Russian and Chinese passports. The third ring of enemies has the same composition as the first ring, but they have passports from countries with weaker economies. European perhaps. Or their conquering aspirations are more tangent, like Israel. Further rings sort out according to decreasing economic diversity and robustness. Somewhere far out is a ring of fundamentalist Muslims, with lots of hate but little economic and industrial capability. Beyond that is North Korea, who can't even afford streetlights.

    If you want me to take any group of Muslims seriously as a threat, show me that that group has one prowling submarine carrying nuclear ICBMs.

  12. If the Moslem extremists want to be faithfully guided by the puppet strings they're firmly attached to, then so be it. Yes they can and likely will cause a lot of havoc but all that will do in the end is expose their ISOLATED ENCLAVES to extermination... in the land where the original inhabitants have been systematically reduced to a few scrub reservations. And set off a genocidal war against their own people in the Mideast. Stupid strategy for advancing Islam, smart strategy if you want everyone at each other's throats then pick up the pieces afterward.

    It would be strategically wiser to introduce dissention within the Moslem ranks-there has to be SOME Burka wearers who've had it... being exposed to Western standards about male/female relations. Some Moslem women who are willing to take some kind of action... even if to avenge a mother, sister, daughter subjected to "honor killing" or having their nose sliced off for Allah. Have them fight amongst themselves a armed Islamic Feminist movement and they won't have the time or energy for a jihad against us.

  13. I was at Walmart over the weekend and saw two people in the parking lot dressed just like the picture. I couldn't tell if they were really women, or men. I couldn't tell if they had weapons under all that stuff. They could have carried out a TV under those outfits for all I (or Walmart security) could tell. My only consolation is that they had to be miserable, sweating like hell in the heat. And then they go home and make sweet, sweaty, camel-love with their husbands/masters. Sorry, that IS a horrible thought. But a few more Muslims dressing like that in our country, and it'll become the outfit of choice for the well-dressed common American shoplifter, thug, and mugger.

  14. As near as I can find out, the actual population of muslims in the US is around 2.8 million or roughly half of 1%.

    I don't think we're in danger of having burgas forced on our daughters just yet.

    Seems to me this is just another polemic geared to incite knee-jerk reaction to gin up more support of the war. Muslim terrorism as a bogeyman got us the patriot act, homeland security, and the TSA among other odorous incursions on our liberty.

    I'm not in favor of the special treatment given the koran and the tendency of the powers that be to kowtow to muslims. The attention given this extremely small portion of our population gives them influence WAY out of proportion to their very small numbers.

    If you can burn a bible or a flag then you can burn a koran. First amendment says you can.

    And while I don't have any such inclination to do so at present, there's no guarantee that I won't in the future.

    Hell, I might burn all three.....


  15. CA,

    I think Anon @8:54 was saying that we're worried about future problems when we got bigger problems now, and that if you get one under control, the other will follow. He made no "either/or" dichotomy.

  16. To anon at: September 22, 2010 8:54 AM

    "For the rest of you, ask yourself whether or not your daughters will submit to the burqa."

    The solders are not demanding our daughters submit to burqas, they are demanding our daughters submit to backscatter X-ray porn scanners and palms-forward searches in their underware at the airport. If a street gang set up that kind of gauntlet on the sidewalk, it would be called rape. Figure out how to defend yourself from official armed rape, and the solders demanding burqas will be a non-issue.

    We fellow Patriots appreciate your warning about not allowing .gov diminishment of our Liberty, such as 'porn scanners' at the airports, but to set that as 'over / against' the concern about Muslims, is a wrong construct, my friend.

    BOTH are a concern; both are working in tandem; the communists / Hegelian theorists call that:

    Pressure from Above (evil in our .gov)
    Pressure from Below (Sharia aggression)

    Please don't miss this point - these two are playing a rotating 'good cop / bad cop' routine.

    Our Unalienable God defined & originated Rights are in the crosshairs: the .gov sees His grant of right to Us as a rival authority to theirs; the Islamists see the USA politically & Christianity, religiously, as a support to Jews & the only global rival to it's global domination:

    The Islamists call this struggle: 'Dar al Islam' vs 'Dal al Harb'....Their house vs. the Infidel house !

    The sooner we get right with that God of Providence, the sooner we will gain wisdom to defeat or deflate these threats to our Life, Liberty & Property !

  17. "Now" is a big problem for both -- in that we do see people starting to push back on police thuggery/surveillance/ let's put an equal effort into debunking Moongodism as anything but a collectivist political ideology.

    A thug is a thug is a thug is a thug...regardless of the hats and uniforms worn by various incarnations of same.

  18. Tom:

    You understand 4GW leverage, right?

    It's not the number, but instead the access and power that some of those folk have.

    I am as dubious as anyone about the military-industrial complex spinning up for the next war, this time with Iran.

    But just because a speaker is an SOB with impure motives doesn't mean there aren't things to learn from the speech.


  19. We're at war with the US government, a government that is bringing in over 40,000 muslims a year right now, not to mention one million new Mexicans each year.

    Polygonal battle space is right, but one must either retune the BS filters you have, or acquire new ones.

    Y'all had better focus. Muslims in France are meaningless here.

  20. As near as I can find out, the actual population of muslims in the US is around 2.8 million or roughly half of 1%.

    I don't think we're in danger of having burgas forced on our daughters just yet.

    Lawrence Auster addresses this point here.

  21. The Pope's European tour: still catching grief for that medieval mayhem, WHICH the Muslims started by their swordpoint conversions of Christians and Jews in the Land Holy to three religions. It wasn't all about bricks, mortar and tombs, but people's lives.

  22. Witchwood links: "In fact, with Muslims at only one percent of our population, a Seattle, Washington cartoonist named Molly Norris has had to go into hiding and change her identity in response to death threats over the "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day" which she started."

    Let's talk this through. One: American cartoonist living in America insults fundamentalist religious wackos. Two: American cartoonist receives death threats from fundamentalist religious wackos. Three: Cartoonist buys and carries submachine guns, hires bodyguard who has RPGs in back seat of car, cooperates with FBI to trace death threats. Four: FBI puts wacko fundamentalists in prison.

    "With Muslims at only one percent of our population, we are already living under Muslim power and intimidation in our own country. The only way a person cannot see that fact is by wilfully choosing not to see it."

    No, no, no; you're living under FBI power and intimidation in your own country. The real step three is: cartoonist receives implied death threats from the FBI when she proposes getting serious about personal security to FBI. Threat from FBI is far more certain than threat from religious wackos.

  23. Thanks for your comments CA and Witchwood. They've caused me to engage my cranial generator a little more.

    I'm definitely aware of 4g battlespace and leverage. The way I see it, the powers that be have made it politically incorrect to denounce islam in order not to offend the people we buy oil from. It really wouldn't do to have a repeat of the gas lines from the mid '70's. They're also promoting this attitude using their stooges in the media.

    I'm reminded of the old warner brothers cartoon where the elephant sees a mouse, panics, picks up daffy duck and proceeds to beat him to a pulp against the floor while trying to kill the mouse. Militants have 4g leverage because because we gave it to them. We gave in to fear. That surrender also gave us the encroachments on personal liberty we have today. It's not that the terrrorists won, it's the fact that america surrendered. The impact that 19 saudis have had on my country still amazes me even after 9 years.

    I'd kinda like to see a serious movement to take our country back. I'd join if I was convinced it wasn't just more feel-good-chest- thumping-faux-patriotic rhetoric.

    I can't say that I expect it though.

    Anyway...time to go clean the carry piece.


  24. Great observations, Anon 5:53. They can't accomplish the takeover without the cooperation of the local authorities in leaving their opponents defenseless. Chances are the authorities, like the media, will choose appeasement and self-preservation over protecting rights. I've seen from the inside how the media dispose of their own like unrecycleable garbage. They did a simple risk/cost/benefit analysis of having Ms Norris continue to work there, and she didn't place well. I doubt it was HER idea to leave.
    Here, long-time state press association award winning writers and columnists were laid off (a month after winning the 2009 competition) just like wet-behind-the-ears marketing people. That was simply about money and higher stock dividends. The newspaper continued to laud them on the big-screen TV in the lobby months after they were escorted from the premises.
    Trust the major media? 20% of Amerians still do. Why, I don't know.
    Oh, the local rag has HIRED new writers, with names I can't pronounce. Are they any good? I don't read that crap anymore. I'm here.

  25. Defender writes: "Chances are the [local] authorities, like the media, will choose appeasement and self-preservation over protecting rights."

    I can't carry an RPG or a pot plant around town, can I? Local "authorities" everywhere already have decided to sacrifice protecting rights to other priorities. First thing one of those fancy "constitutionally respecting" local county sheriffs should do is tell the ATF and DEA not to enter his county, because those rights are no longer going to be infringed. He should make it a campaign promise, but only the libertarians are willing to champion that.
