The Caliphate In Waiting
If you are not regularly reading the Gates of Vienna on the spread of virulent Islam through the world, you should.
This essay is an example of why:
The Caliphate-in-Waiting
by Baron Bodissey
As most readers have already noticed, the United States — and the entire Western world — is well on the way to losing the “War on Terror”.Oh, we’ve got great weapons, and our war-fighting capabilities have no historical precedent. But this technical and military superiority only serves to highlight the abject failure of our political and cultural defenses.
For the last eight years, even as we waged magnificently successful military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, we have been surrendering piecemeal to our future Islamic masters. Somehow, despite all our firepower, the nations of the West are drifting a little further every year into the rule of Islamic law.
Don’t believe me? Consider some of the bellwethers.
We expended blood and treasure to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan, and now, according to The New York Times, the Taliban are being invited back into polite society:
KABUL, Afghanistan — The leader of the United Nations mission here called on Afghan officials to seek the removal of at least some senior Taliban leaders from the United Nations’ list of terrorists, as a first step toward opening direct negotiations with the insurgent group.
In an interview, Kai Eide, the United Nations special representative, also implored the American military to speed its review of the roughly 750 detainees in its military prisons here — another principal grievance of Taliban leaders. Until recently, the Americans were holding those prisoners at a makeshift detention center at Bagram Air Base and refusing to release their names.
Together, Mr. Eide said he hoped that the two steps would eventually open the way to face-to-face talks between Afghan officials and Taliban leaders, many of whom are hiding in Pakistan. The two sides have been at an impasse for years over almost every fundamental issue, including the issue of talking itself.
This is what we spent billions of dollars and thousands of lives to achieve?
To make matters worse, since gaining our “victories” in Afghanistan and Iraq, we have eagerly enshrined sharia law in the Afghan and Iraqi constitutions. Oh, yes, the documents are prettied up with all the fine-sounding rights that we would like them to confirm. But both constitutions clearly state that nothing in them may be construed as going against Islamic law.
The most brutal and degrading legal system ever codified was written into those constitutions — by us.
Things weren’t always this bad. Back before 9-11, after the first World Trade Center attack, the Khobar Towers bombing, and the attack on the Cole, the nature of radical Islam was still widely discussed in the media. For a year or two after 9-11, “Islamic terrorism”, “Islamofascism”, and other terms identifying the nature of our enemy were still permitted. Our political and military leaders could still refer — albeit timidly — to “the threat posed by radical Islam”.
But no more. Now we have “violent extremism”, or, grotesquely, “acts that are contrary to Islam”. The Fort Hood report fails even to mention the “I” word. A troubled childhood, social isolation, too high a concentration of PCBs in the environment — anything but Islam is put forward as the cause of terrorist behavior.
The danger posed by Islam — which is a violent, insidious, and deadly political ideology — no longer exists in the public lexicon.
We have been silenced, and we did it to ourselves. No conquering army occupied our capitals to censor our discourse. It was our own doing.
We have denied ourselves the vocabulary to describe the enemy we face.
Before 9-11 an Islamic terrorist might make an occasional appearance as a villain in a movie. But now the fictional terrorists are all neo-Nazis, and any cinematic religious violence is generally restricted to fundamentalist Christians. By common consensus, depictions of Muslims in our popular culture have been sanitized.
And consider our wider cultural self-Islamization. The removal of piggy banks. The deference to Islamic customs during Ramadan. Halal meals in schools, even for non-Muslims. The suddenly-discovered obligation to avoid any and all depictions of Mohammed. The emergence of “Islamic finance”, which was all but unheard of ten years ago.
The most glaring examples of our surrender may be found in the criminalization of speech that criticizes Islam. In the years since 9-11, Europe, Canada, and Australia have seen an explosion of prosecutions for various forms of hate speech and “discrimination” against Muslims. The United States has recently lurched in the same direction with its newest federal “hate crimes” law...
Read the rest.
Any question re the willingness of the Mighty Kenyan and most of Congress to meet this strategic threat?
Thought not....
Dhimmitude is precisely what Obama has planned for the United States of America that he so deeply hates.
What else would you call...
Stimulus, TARP, HAMP, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, GM, Chrysler, "a nation of cowards", the Cambridge popo acted stupidly, HealthCare, Cap and Trade, you get the picture.
I suppose it would be more obvious to all if he would make the hajj and do it publicly, but with results like these, does the motivation really matter?
More on this topic from Diana West and " A U.S Soldier in Iraq" via The Brussels Journal.
Thanks for all the brain food Pete.
Bob Monahan
Screw 'em. All we can do as "average Americans" is stand our ground, defend what's ours. The crap over there is beyond our control, and the government doesn't give a damn what we think or say. It's time to circle the wagons...
Mayberry: The point is that hajii is winning here, too.
While there are many glaring falsehoods in Bodissy's essay (the military operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq are dismal failures for example), the answer is no, the US government will do nothing about the threat of Islam.
America is already being invaded by Mexico and essentially nothing is being done about that ongoing war against us, we shouldn't expect different about the growing power of Islam in America.
We American's should expect the opposite in fact, the US government will attempt to weaken our power while opening the door wider for Islam.
What all governments want is to become totalitarian. Anybody who rules a population group is a social class ally in the culture war of governments vs. freedom. It doesn't matter whether their holy book was written by Mohammad, Mao, or Marx. This is why genocidal dictators get a seat at the UN, rather than executed by the UN. Try looking at Islam as a political movement rather than a religion.
"This is what we spent billions of dollars and thousands of lives to achieve?"
Yes, that is what they spent billions of your dollars and thousands of your lives to achieve. What, now you think government is working to protect the common man? Anyone who wants to rule you is part of the problem. It doesn't matter why they claim they want to rule you.
This article: starts from the assumptions that American government is Good, and colonialism of the heathens by America is Good. After it makes those fundamental mistakes, all the arguments based on that broken foundation, are also broken. Conservativism is more proof that Evil is banal.
Have to clean up the home front before we can deal with the crazies on the other side of the planet. That won't be so hard-export the American Revolution among all the burkha'd women, smuggle guns and ammo and they'll be the ones on the defensive.
The biggest problem is the home front...
Anonymous 805 said, "ry looking at Islam as a political movement rather than a religion.".
In point of fact Islam isn't a religion and never has been a religion. It's a political philosophy masquerading as a religion. Unlike the other major world wide religions, Islam was spread by the sword from day one.
We could get into a long history of religions at this point, but I don't think that's of value.
My position is that we leave the middle east including Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan alone; punishing them as necessary for assaults on America.
Islam in America should be treated like communism was in the 1950's through at least 1980. All muslims must register with the state governments and their whereabouts must be disclosed at all times. They should be encouraged to leave America for countries more to their liking.
Muslims should be prohibited from holding public office of any kind.
And so forth.
"punishing them as necessary for assaults on America."
Which "them"? Certain individual thems which have been declared guilty by a jury trial? Or collectively guilty thems, selected on racial or ethnic grounds and collectively punished? How Soviet. How Communist. Would you punish me for the actions of three-letter agencies, despite that I have no control over them?
"Islam in America should be treated like communism was in the 1950's through at least 1980. All muslims must register with the state governments and their whereabouts must be disclosed at all times. They should be encouraged to leave America for countries more to their liking."
You should make them sew a religious emblem on their clothing, too, and herd them into ghettos. Tattoo them with tracking numbers until you have decided upon a final solution.
Anonymous at 7:30 AM 1/31: Nice try with "selected on racial or ethnic grounds and collectively punished". The only one talking smack about race here is you.
The rest of this is for any readers who were confused by the above liar: The "them" was already defined as Muslims, believers in the political philosophy or movement, call it what you want, of Islam.
Educate yourself about the commandments in the Koran for treating non-believers in Islam. Pat H is exactly right. We have no reason and no obligation to trust Muslims with the individual rights enshrined in the Western moral canon. Muslims do not belong in the United States unless they are willing to submit to the second-class status most of the Islamic nations force upon their non-Muslim citizens. They are welcome to move to the shithole Islam has made of dar al-Islam.
"Educate yourself about the commandments in the Koran for treating non-believers in Islam."
There are lots of rules in the bible that Christians don't follow. Does that make them non-Christian? Or does it mean that only fundamentalist Christians are likely to marry girls too young? All Muslims are not violent, only some Muslim fundamentalists.
"We have no reason and no obligation to trust Muslims with the individual rights enshrined in the Western moral canon."
Until a person makes practical plans to aggress against you and starts to carry it out, you have no claim on them. There are too many millions of peaceful Muslims to say that all Muslims are mad bombers.
"Muslims do not belong in the United States unless they are willing to submit to the second-class status most of the Islamic nations force upon their non-Muslim citizens."
You should burn crosses on their lawns to run those undesirable people out of town. (This is sarcasm)
"They are welcome to move to the shithole Islam has made of dar al-Islam."
You say Middle East, I say Soviet Union. Both are similarly totalitarian. I think the important aspects for us to study are how to disassemble a totalitarian state from a minority position within in. What picture gets put on the big billboards in the public square is just branding, it's not functional.
Most Americans want to take away my guns. Does that mean you want to categorically ban Americans, too? Don't make a throw-out-the-baby-with-the-bathwater mistake, either with Americans or Muslims. A proper criminal-control system is one that helps you distinguish between the peaceful people and the terrorists, no matter whether their preferred tool of terrorist violence is a ballot or a bomb.
"export the American Revolution among all the burkha'd women, smuggle guns and ammo and they'll be the ones on the defensive."
Six million German Jews went peacefully to their slaughter, despite having plenty of means and opportunity to prevent it by buying Mausers beforehand. Apparently they bought into the moral superiority line of the German majority. Oops. Losers.
There are plenty of AK's available in the Middle East, yet the bukhas and beards are still mandatory. I bet most of the Middle Eastern women who actually want freedom have already smuggled themselves to a first world country, and already have it.
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