Western Rifle Shooters Association

Do not give in to Evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You Are All Enemies of the State, and Will Be Treated As Such

The essential David Codrea links to a piece of FBI "intelligence reporting" that needs to be read by anyone who enjoys any sort of firearm use.

The first page (especially the final graf) casts a pretty broad net, wouldn't you say?

[Click on the picture to enlarge it]

But wait - there's more! Read the second page in the doc, again concentrating on the last graf (click on the pic to enlarge):

Do you now understand what the hell is going on with these statist thugs, Bueller, and what their ultimate objective is?

For Buellers in the audience who still may need a little help, this mid-Nineties classic militia awareness piece from the Feebs may help you comprehend.

I always loved this part of the FBI militia document:

...Most militia organization members are white males who range in age from the early 20s to the mid-50s. The majority of militia members appear to be attracted to the movement because of gun control issues, as epitomized by the Brady Law, which established a 5-day waiting period prior to the purchase of a handgun, and the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which limited the sale of various assault-style weapons. Many militia members believe that these legislative initiatives represent a government conspiracy to disarm the populace and ultimately abolish the Second Amendment to the Constitution. The federal government's role in confrontations with the Branch Davidians near Waco, Texas, and Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, have further fueled conspiratorial beliefs that the government is becoming more tyrannical and attempting to reverse constitutional guarantees.

Militia members generally maintain strong Christian beliefs and justify their actions by claiming to be ardent defenders of the Constitution. They often compare the American Colonial period (1607-1783) to their present existence by relating significant Colonial dates and events to lend historical weight to their own beliefs and actions. Many militias claim to represent the ideological legacy of the founding fathers tracing their core beliefs to select writings and speeches that predate the Revolutionary War. Colonists at that time rebelled against the tyranny of King George III and what they saw as the British government's practice of oppression and unjust taxation. Various present-day militias pattern their actions on what they believe their ideological ancestors would do if they were alive today.

Using their interpretation of constitutional rights and privileges as their calling, militia members and antigovernment extremists have challenged federal and state laws and questioned the authority of elected officials to govern, tax, and maintain order. In doing so, they have created concerns for law enforcement and public officials who come into contact with them.

Still, many militia members and individuals who espouse antigovernment beliefs remain law- abiding citizens and do not advocate terrorist acts. Many organized militias have, in fact, condemned the Oklahoma City bombing and have stated that those responsible for the attack do not represent the philosophy and goals of today's militia groups...


Let me be blunt.

Documents such as these two FBI memoranda, created a decade apart, make it clear that I, as an active shooter, amateur historian, lawyer, and believer in the Constitution and Bill of Rights as written, am regarded by my Federal Government's lead investigative agency as a threat.

So be it.

The feeling's mutual, lads.

See ya around campus.

Tempus fugit.


Blogger Jay21 said...

Excellent posting lately, thanks

September 17, 2008 at 5:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Using their interpretation of constitutional rights and privileges as their calling, militia members and antigovernment extremists have challenged federal and state laws and questioned the authority of elected officials to govern, tax, and maintain order."

Gee, how presumptuous of us mere citizens to actually believe in the Constitution and to even ***CHALLENGE*** the actions of government officials.

If our betters are as kind and gentle as they claim, maybe we'll be lucky enough to get away with a re-education camp.

I wonder what old Sam Adams would think, and do. No, nevermind - I know.

Oh, and the posting has been great over the last few days. Please keep it up.

-An ideological descendant of Sam Adams

September 17, 2008 at 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...I, as an active shooter, amateur historian, lawyer, and believer in the Constitution and Bill of Rights as written, am regarded by my Federal Government's lead investigative agency as a threat."

You just described me, and my status.

I will also say, "So be it."

I will also be doing some reloading tonight, some shooting over the weekend, and intensifying my accumulation of (still) legal items that these JBTs don't like us proles to have.

September 17, 2008 at 10:20 PM  

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