Monday, April 25, 2011

Just Say 'No' To The Donald

David Codrea explains one of the reasons why.

There are others, as well.


  1. That pic is priceless.

  2. It's the missing link! Don't let this specimen into a zoo, though - just about any other animal on earth would either want to hump that or kill it for dinner.

  3. Here's another reason:

    He's a farking narcissist of the first order, himself.

    Everything he does is all about him.

    Sound familiar?

    New boss, same as the old boss.

    Nonetheless, I wish him well on his various efforts to expose/irritate/discredit Obammi. Enemy of my enemy and all.

    Jon III

  4. Trump is only doing favors for the elite -- they need the Obamas in for another term. He is running blocker for Obama.

    Many folks would vote for him, but not enough to beat the mighty Kenyan. And they know it.

  5. As if a political solution exists.

  6. @Anonymous: "As if a political solution exists."

    Think of politics by other means.
