Friday, January 14, 2011

Two From Alvie

Two knocked out of the park by Alvie at The Cliffs of Insanity:

A Contrast

Civility = Censorship

Read 'em and pass them on.


  1. I think the "Contrast" is poignant and a fair call. It hits hard but it asks a question of those who are comfortable accepting the status quo.

    Will they answer?


  2. For Anonymous at 3:47 AM:

    You already KNOW the answer to that.

  3. Hey, there HAVE BEEN swastikas on posters at Tea Party rallies. With the legend "NO REPEATS." A minor overlooked detail.
    Nancy Pelosi has been heard to mention them too. A simple google image search would show the true nature and context. But they'd rather conflate.
    Rather like JPFO's "All those in favor of gun control, raise your right hand" featuring a saluting Hitler ... as a TARGET.

  4. Lawmakers return to Congress shaken by the shooting of a colleague. Republican support for repealing Obamacare is at an all-time low.

    Who knows what kind of laws they'll be willing to pass or tolerate now "for Gabby Giffords."
