Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sissisõda: More Lessons From The Baltics

Please read this forum thread in response to Lessons from Lithuania, Part I.

Take good notes.

This material will be on the exam.


  1. I wish I had known about this exam years ago...but I'll study with what time we have remaining.

  2. Taylor boy, based on your comments of late, you have a lot of catching up to do.

    No offense but your educators have failed you. Now it is up to you to seek truth.

    Get busy.

  3. Anon, that's why I read these blogs.

  4. "Let the experience of Alfred Peltser be a warning, that You shouldn't hide anything illegal on Your immediate property."

    If you live in a built-up area without surreptitious access to your cache, one possibility is to bury small stores of ammunition on the property of a nearby liberal Democrat.

    Even if it is somehow discovered by the authorities, it will still serve to sow discord in the enemy's ranks. ;^)


  5. Malthus,

    Right now a sign posted in one yard designating the anti-gun position of a neighbor (GUN FREE ZONE w/ arrow pointing @ the hoplophobe's home) is a guarantee of much outrage & gnashing of teeth on the part of the 'righteous one' so identified. But salting such a person's property might not work as they'll likely be a Quisling.

    That doesn't mean it shouldn't be done just to see what happens!

    Cassandra (of Troy)
