Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Codrea: Sarah Brady Speaks

And she's not asking for fresh diapers for old Jimbo.

Codrea gives the details.

See you next Tuesday, you filthy statist harridan.

Bring it.

And make sure you wheel in the gimp, as well.


  1. I'm confused. What happens next Tuesday? Important vote? Sorry if I missed it, but I read both articles.

  2. Here's another sample;

  3. When she speaks, great gobs of bloody mucous and bile come up to dribble off her chin, with a smile. It's from her disarmed and helpless victims, the ones she and her statist sack o' stuff helped create, and murdered and raped and pillaged. Pride was the original sin, and her pride is in doing something very wrong, over and over again. She loves the darkness, and hates the light.

  4. As I wrote before, outside of their Beltway Bubble, these collectivists are cold meat. I remember years ago when this statist b***h spoke at UNLV, and was booed off the stage. When the economic meltdown finally kicks off, she and her audience will be running for cover.

  5. "See you next Tuesday" is a derisive dismissal of a female opponent.

    Think acronym.

  6. This comment got my attention:

    "Huge gun magazines belong on the battlefield, not on our streets."

    Does she not realize where the next battlefield will be???

  7. You think as a perk the government makes imprisoned victims of the batfaggots pleasure her?

    I just bought six rifles and ammo last week-six milsurp bolt actions and sealed tins ready for caching and equipping the willing. I also have airsoft trainers to get them into a basic competency as far as marksmanship goes. Ambushes still work.
