Saturday, January 8, 2011

Takuan Seiyo: The Art Of Strategic Citizenship, Part II

Tomoe #2

From Gates of Vienna:

Below is the second installment of Takuan Seiyo’s latest series of essays. Part 1 may be read here.

The Art of Strategic Citizenship
Part 2 of 3 — The firewood under the cauldron

by Takuan Seiyo

The 19th of China’s 36 Stratagems counsels, Fu di chou xin — Steal the firewood from under the cauldron. That’s strategy appropriate for a situation when your opponent is preponderant. And the opposition to Americans who believe that they are being robbed and sold out by their own ruling elite, the Constitution is just fine and enough, and the re-engineering of society in the last 50 years is a disaster, is vast and preponderant.

With the cauldron being impregnable iron, it’s proper to examine everything pertaining to the firewood. First, why was it allowed to be gathered and lit in the first place. Largely, it’s the Pogo quandary: We have met the enemy, and he is us.

In a recent article, Victor Davis Hanson describes a putrefying California, more like a Mexican backwater hamlet than… than what? A white people’s country, that’s what. Unfortunately, the people that took over a town called El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles del Río de Porciúncula and failed to anglicize its name at the outset, set itself up for a fall at the outset. When it has further invited and encouraged colonization by Mexicans, and built industries around Mexican labor, and allowed that ethnocentric Mexican office holders be elected or appointed, and voted in “conservative” WASP Presidents and Senators who act as the Mexicans’ spearhead, and failed to defend its land against the invasion, it has forfeited that land.

Whites are still a majority in 52 of the biggest 100 cities, but even unlikely places like Utah are coasting toward a 30-40% minority ratio in the urban zones, and “conservative” publications like Wall Street Journal report with total equanimity that the United States nears a “Racial Milestone.” What they do not report is that the milestone is cultural and economic; that it’s a geopolitical earthquake that will reverberate for 1,000 years; that demography is destiny.

It’s no coincidence that of the 14 American cities that face imminent bankruptcy(plus two small ones), four are in that minimum security asylum zone with Bolivian place names: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose and San Francisco. The others are also blessed in the strength of diversity, either through a minority majority (New York, Detroit, Washington D.C, Honolulu, Newark, Camden, Paterson) or a minority 40%+ plurality (Chicago, Cincinnati, Reading).

All this is increasingly obvious, particularly to those not brain-altered in institutions of higher learning or on the oligarchy’s payroll. On all occasions when the public has a chance to express itself on related issues such as immigration, bilingual education, gayization or dhimmization, the people overwhelmingly reject the diversity project. The ruling elite continues implementing it nonetheless by a series of increasingly totalitarian measures, including judicial nullification of inconvenient plebiscites, new laws explicitly at odds with the will of the people, persecution of “crimes of intolerance,” and executive rulings that circumvent the apparatus of democracy.

This phenomenon of a ruling oligarchy on autopilot dead-set on sabotage of its subject population is repeated in the financial sphere. No matter how many Tea Party marches or public opinion polls express vehement opposition, the White-House-Congress-Fed-Wall Street Axis continues the blitz of bailout, ballooning debt, bottoming dollar and bloated billion-dollar bankster bonuses. No matter how critical the assessments of still-sane economic pundits and traders — e.g. James Grant, Nouriel Roubini, Jim Rogers, Martin Weiss, Tyler Durden, Karl Denninger — the Ponzi pyramid builders at the peaks of power take the country farther over the precipice in the greatest Inside Con Job in history.

Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo — all bankrupt temples of naked reptilian impulses — found a way to transfer 60% of America’s Gross National Product to themselves versus less then 20% they had 15 years ago[1]. It’s a simple trick: you pocket the gains but offload the losses on current and future taxpayers. All it takes is two wholly owned subsidiaries in Washington: the one legislating and regulating (but not bankster biz), and the other printing money at will.

Pulling the NWO oligarchs’ carosse in tandem with the demographic Trojan horse and the monetary ruin steed is a third runaway equine. It’s the out-of-control diarrhea of laws, statutes and regulations binding and bending the citizen ever more tightly and despotically: so many that they are beyond counting and so vile that the crookeder the parliamentary crook, the more he boasts of the quantity of laws he has inflicted on his lessers. The laws, the Harry Reids, the judges, the Wise Latinas, the nullifiers of the Constitution uphold their part in the bargain. With a 72,000-page tax code, one unread monster omnibus 2000-page trillion dollar bill after another, unending pillage of every dollar they can grab from the bankrupt Treasury selling bogus IOUs to a mad Fed slathering snake oil for illiquidity on a disease of insolvency, laws piled upon laws prohibiting the sunrise on penalty of assets forfeiture under Part IX, Chapter 411, Section 37 and declaring the sunset invalid per 9th Circuit Court of Appeals v. Reality, this is the most wretched crew to pilot America, ever.

What is to be done? What can be done?
Read the rest, please.


  1. Fair enough observations. I eagerly await the 3rd part of the series.



    Obama proposes Internet ID electronic certificates.
    Don't panic. It'll be voluntary. You know, like the income tax and the TSA freedom fondle.

  3. "In a recent article, Victor Davis Hanson describes a putrefying California, more like a Mexican backwater hamlet than...than what? A white people’s country, that’s what. Unfortunately, the people that took over a town called El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles del Rio de Porciuncula and failed to anglicize its name at the outset, set itself up for a fall at the outset. When it has further invited and encouraged colonization by Mexicans, and built industries around Mexican labor, and allowed that ethnocentric Mexican office holders be elected or appointed, and voted in "conservative" WASP Presidents and Senators who act as the Mexicans' spearhead, and failed to defend its land against the invasion, it has forfeited that land."

    Hey Klan members, political values are determined by culture, not genetics. If politics was determined by genetics, then a white RINO who supported Mexican takeover interests couldn't exist. Instead of a "white" country you should call it a "Western" country, "capitalist" country, etc.

    The percentage of ethnic Mexicans is only a problem because Republicans believe in Might Makes Right and Majority Rule. Without Majority Rule, it wouldn't matter what the majority wants, it would have no legal effect. You are empowering the majority to hurt you. If you live by the vote, you can die by the vote.
