Friday, January 28, 2011

JPFO: The Elephant In The Room

(illustration by Oleg Volk)

JPFO nails it.

Pass it on.


  1. I know for a fact that the rifle in the picture can consistently hit man-sized targets at 500 meters.

    Next time I get the chance to take mine out and shoot, I'll put video of it at my blog.

    And yeah, JPFO did nail it. I'm hearing this same approach more and more. It's about time. I hope this becomes the approach taken by mainstream firearms rights advocates.

    I would argue that perhaps the government already has "gone bad". Now it's just a matter of degrees.



  2. Home Run! They nailed it!

  3. "If they're going to use their guns **to defend their rights**, then Im not comfortable with them having guns at all." --Rep. Henry Waxman.

    "If someone wants to accuse me of “hate speech” they’d better first begin by indicting, in absentia, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and virtually the entire cast of our Founders."

    They are, using the most absurd distortions you can imagine, and some that defy the imagination. They think their hour is come 'round at last and slouch toward Mordor on the Potomac to be born.

  4. Arctic - What is that rifle?

  5. Mr. Lamar Moore, who shot up a Detroit police station, seems to have one of those eeevil pistol-grip shotguns. So convenient.

    And, though I've never been in the sh-- except in simulated training, the cops use one-hand periscope snap-shooting from behind cover. I might too if I thought I was about to die, but I wouldn't expect to hit my assailant. This is what we see convenience store clerks do when exchanging shots with robber.

  6. The answer is simple. Our would be MASTERS want us to be completely disarmed, but they'll begin with the semi-auto's, then work down to the flintlock musket, but make no mistake, they want ALL of the arms to be illegal - in the hands of mere slaves.

  7. Read,learn, then Act.
    JPFO always good for good guidance.
