Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Anti-Noonan

As I continue to fume over this harridan's blatherings, I remembered that Tam had done the definitive deconstruction of the topic earlier in the month.

Her piece is also a superb example of how the FreeFor should always fight (rhetorically and otherwise) on and with the ground/tactics/timing of its own choosing, rather than that offered by the Bad People.

Think hard on that point.

Reject their premise.



  1. Joseph comment is perfect.

    I relate the magazine restriction to governing all cars to 30mph because drunk drivers kill people. If they could only reach 30mph, fewer deaths would result.


  2. Let's be honest -- the larger magazine ban did result in a general reduction of their use, which included a reduction of their use in crime.

    But so what? What do the evil choices of a criminal have to do with me? Penalizing me for possessing large magazines is the same as penalizing me for the robbery down the street which I didn't do. A bad apple spoils a barrel because of how mold infection spreads, but human behavior doesn't spread that way. Anyone who is that mistaken about how human behavior transmits should not be allowed out in public without a minder. The solution to popular Nazi collectivism is not to intellectually engage it on its own insane terms. A better approach is to cast your gold coins into the shape of tire changing tools, load up your car, and drive out of the region while you still can.

  3. stripper clips in picture- lol.

    keep 'em confused.

  4. She'd love these.

    R & R Racing Saiga 12 Shotguns

  5. Anonymous 6:17, the standard capacity magazine ban did NOT see a reduction in the use of them in crimes, where did you get such drivel?

    I bought numerous standard capacity magazines, 12 to 30 rounds each, during the 1994-2004 time period, and that's while I lived in California too.

    To everyone else, please stop referring to magazines that can accept more than 10 rounds as "high capacity magazines", they're not that at all. They're standard capacity, the proposed magazine capacity reduction law will create reduced capacity magazines again.

    We're not going to accept that.

  6. Pat H. writes: "the standard capacity magazine ban did NOT see a reduction in the use of them in crimes, where did you get such drivel?"

    The price of those magazines went up for civilians, including on the black market, so the use of them by civilian criminals went down. Criminals respond to price just like everyone else.

    "the proposed magazine capacity reduction law will create reduced capacity magazines again.

    We're not going to accept that.

    Of course you'll accept it, just like you've accepted freedom fondles, just like six million German minorities got peacefully on the trains. I don't see any speakeasies forming for healthcare, much less tax protests, much less anything more vigorous. If you want to convince me otherwise, post an anonymized picture of the magazines you've made in your workshop. Even the alcohol still people are willing to do that.

  7. Anon 6:13 said-
    " an anonymized picture of the magazines you've made in your workshop."

    Yeah. Advertise. Believe you're anonymous online. Lemme know how that works out for ya.

    But you know, they're really quite simple to make. Scribd is a wonderful (but sometimes questionable) resource.

    But, for now, there's simply no incentive for homemade mags when 15.99 Magpuls are still legal.

    Anyone with the desire and basic hand tools can make magazines, or fully auto 9mm subguns (with magazines), for that matter.

    For now, the 20 year federal prison sentence is enough of a deterrent, at least it is for me, when legal guns are in my posession. Risk vs. reward. It won't always be though.

    Resistance takes many forms. I have resisted sexual assault by the TSA. Resistance through avoidance. I have declined 3 round trip flights of 3,000+ miles each. Avoidance is still an option; no sense in going to prison for self-defense when I can avoid the assault altogether. Airlines suffer, airports suffer, tax revenues suffer. Resist. There are eight people in my family. My wife and children will never be subjected to that abuse. Knowing this, would you suggest I fight a violent losing fight against TSA agents with my kids watching, or avoid the situation?

    Health care speakeasies? They're coming. There's just not enough reward right now for blatant disobedience. Look at the alternative / naturopathic health movement though. It is real resistance formed against a narced-up, government warped healthcare system.

    Just because we're not fighting the FedGov on its own terms (voting or shooting) doesn't mean we're submitting. At least, I hope it doesn't. I'm not.

    I'll be posting on this throughout the week.

    Any way you can.

