Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fjordman: Why Islam Must Be Expelled From The West

Fjordman speaks the unspeakable.

Remember the sequence:

1) Western elites destroy the middle class and plunder their way to untold personal fortunes;

2) Western societies then collapse due to unsustainable social obligations, leading to inevitable sovereign default;

3) The world's geopolitical structure, guaranteed by the US since 1945, is now destabilized by the impoverished Uncle Sam's impotence, thus becoming open game for regional hegemons and opportunists; and

4) Islam continues its march through Europe and Canada, using its thus-far-unbeatable combination of the Islamic womb, anti-Islamophobia speech restrictions (especially including the Internet), and sufficient acts of terror so as to be credible when threatening cowering Westerners.

Ask your daughters if they have any questions.....


  1. Fascinating, in retrospect. The Leftist enviros warned us in the '70s about the Population Bomb and depletion of resources. The Earth was old, dried out, used up. Many of us decided not to bring children into such a world. The Third World never got the memo.
    I know how to be a good guest and a good host. But you don't break in to someone's home and then tell them how they're going to live from now on. Unless pain is something you enjoy. I hope to never have to dish out that pain, but my utensils are ready.
    I've felt the utter contempt of Muslim shopkeepers. A little foretaste of dhimmitude. I decline.
    See the survey saying 32% of Muslim college students in Britain favor killing for Islam, and 40% want sharia law there? We'd never have seen it if not for WikiLeaks. What else are our leaders keeping from us? If they want our loyalty, time to become transparent.

  2. 4) Islam continues its march through Europe and Canada, using its thus-far-unbeatable combination of the Islamic womb, anti-Islamophobia speech restrictions (especially including the Internet), and sufficient acts of terror so as to be credible when threatening cowering Westerners.

    4) Judaism continues its control of the West, using its thus-far-unbeatable combination of the Jewish purse, fear of the charge of Antisemitism, and sufficient snuffing of the Bill Of Rights via legislative, judicial control (and Executive influence) so as to be credible when threatening cowering Westerners...

    Ask any White Man if he fails to understand?!?

    Do you dare to take the next step, and if not, why?

  3. A small percentage of Islam are violent predators, just as is a small percentage of every large group. Islam is not special that way. At times, Christianity has been just as bloody. The predators try to claw their way to the top, so they have a larger pool of victims. Politics is the ladder by which the smart predators claw their way to the top. Politics is colonialism applied to the native population. Without the support of politics, predators would not get beyond small-time violent crime. Reject politics. Then publish cartoons disrespectful of Islam, and watch the weirdos reveal themselves. Islam is a bunch of uncompetitive vultures. They don't get anything unless the Western aristocracy gives it to them, protects them, acts for them. Western aristocracy is the main event; Islam is a distraction from the main event. Look! Islamic barbarians at the gates, rally behind the Western aristocrats!

  4. What?


    The Religion of Peace?

    The only question my daughters have is "when do we get an AR, dad?"

    No stonings for them. The closest they'll get to a headscarf is a sniper's veil.

    Damned infidel girls.


  5. What an outstanding article to post.

    I wonder how the sizable amount of antisemites and Israel haters will react to your posting of this link...

    "We’ve been told for years that suicide bombers who blow themselves up in civilian areas in Israel are “freedom fighters struggling against Israeli occupation.” Does that mean that this Muslim blew himself up to protest against the Swedish occupation of Stockholm?"

    Watch. A strong contingent of WRSA readers will still find a way to blame the Jews for the Swedish would-be killer. Sad but true.

    This Islamic juggernaut has found themselves in harmony and in league with the current US administration. Strangely, I am sorry to say that Obama's hatred of Israel and the Jews finds an audience amongst a demographic who on almost every other issue are diametrically opposed to his policies. The insanity of Jew hatred brings both opposing sides together. I have seen that very strain of ugliness posted on the comment section of this very blog.

    This article goes far in articulating who the enemy is is-and what non Islamic countries are facing.

    To WRSA, I applaud you standing up and pointing a finger at those who would cut your throats and deny you your God given rights. Thank you for sounding the Alarm. I pray it is not too late...

  6. Islam must be expelled, as Charles Martel did in 732, the Spaniards knew and accomplished in 1492, and the Austrians knew in 1529 and over the next 150 years of warfare.

    How many Christian churches had mosque's built on or into their locations, with the Christians forced to go elsewhere and build new, but reduced churches? Thousands.

    How many Christian churches were torched in the last ten years in the Serbian province of Kosovo by illegal Albanian immigrants that now claim it, not only their own, but as their own country now, over three hundred.

    One also has to remember, once a muslim enters a land, he/she considers it a gift from Allah and that it's blasphemy to remove them. They're still after Spain to readmit them after 500 years for that reason.

    Opposing Muslim immigration is not taking the side of the illegitimate country of Israel, it is taking up for our side, for our civilization, and for our families, and our nation. Whether or not one is a church going Christian is irrelevant; our culture, our civilization, and our nation was founded on Christian legal principles which we want to keep.

    Islam is not a religion, it is a political philosophy, one of conquest and enslavement of entire cultures, that masquerades as a religion.

    That must end.

  7. People in Europe are going to prison for saying such things. Maybe if they hadn't given up their guns first, they'd have been accorded more respect.

  8. Try this mental translation: every time you see "Islam", think "KKK". They are both groups of backward, ignorant idiots who think human beings should be classified by skin color, gender, and location of birth. The KKK is occasionally powerful in remote backwaters, but mostly this is because they are remote backwaters and more educated people don't want to live there. Whenever you find legal racism like Affirmative Action in premier locations, it's not because the KKK made it happen, it's because the real Powers That Be did it.

    Let's talk about the real Powers That Be, and exactly how they would benefit if a policy the KKK wants was implemented. What do the European PTB get out of Sharia in Britain? Is Sharia a legal code that does not permit a cosmopolitan, first-world, middle class standard of living with deep reserves of self-sufficiency? Is Sharia anti-civilization? Does Sharia reduce libertarian sovereigns to theocratic slaves? The KKK might clap its hydroencephalitic flippers at this outcome, but they didn't make it happen.

  9. FWM:

    You forgot the blood libel?

    You must have been off researching all of the Jewish massacres of innocents that have occurred over the past 2000 years.

    {eye roll}

  10. For Sean:
    Islam won't be "delenda" as long as "Law Enforcement" continues to be their Great Enabler.

    Just as they are for the REST OF the foul sewage destroying this country.

  11. @ Anonymous: "A small percentage of Islam are violent predators, just as is a small percentage of every large group. Islam is not special that way. At times, Christianity has been just as bloody."

    First, a small percentage of a very large group, is still a large group.

    Second, that "small percentage" is actively supported by a larger percentage, and tacitly supported by the vast majority of the group.

    Third, Christianity has been pretty non-bloody for several hundred years now. Shintoism had a bloodsoaked past, and got fairly bloody again in the 30s and 40s, but no one is worried about it anymore, because they've been very quiet ever since.

  12. My reminder to everyone is simply this: beware the red herring problem.

    Many here are quite skilled at observing the predations of our own state upon us, and are not fooled by facile attempts to misdirect our attention elsewhere. You recognize that Leviathan is coming for you, and you're right.

    But consider this: Leviathan wants--very, very, very badly--for you to "expel" Islam. Actually, more accurately, what Leviathan wants is for you to empower Leviathan to go "expel" Islam for you.

    Think about it. A system collapsing of its own weight, desperate for legitimacy, losing the confidence and support of those upon which it preys by the day...

    ...wait, I'm talking about our own Leviathan, right? Or am I talking about "Islam" here?


    Look: what is so disturbing and frightful about "Islam" (as it is discussed here) is that it's acting just like a collapsing state, turning to the art of picking fights as the last-ditch means of keeping itself alive.

    Sure, there's a lot of horrible, frightful things that we can point to, to get ourselves whipped up to go kick some green-flag ass...and we sure seem to get us a steady diet of those anecdotes, don't we? Say, just as steady a diet as we get from our own FedGov about those terrible, awful, children-eating, backward-ass, barely-literate hicks that think that (gasp) guns belong in the hands of individuals and not the state?

    I make no defense for the awful things that are done "in the name" of Islam. I don't even offer an opinion one way or the other about the religion itself.

    What I do know is that my own lying, fraudulent, murderous government wants like hell to get an endorsement from me to go and "expel" those who might pose a threat to me, someday, using the same protection-racket logic and techniques that it is developing against me, at home, right effin' now.

    The more they want that, the more convinced I get that it's a bad idea, a classic red herring as employed by manipulative liars throughout history. (Note to Leviathan: You earned that.)

  13. Wake up to the ongoing threat of Islam and keep up on daily news free with the Historyscoper at

  14. Anonymous said:
    "Watch. A strong contingent of WRSA readers will still find a way to blame the Jews for the Swedish would-be killer. Sad but true."

    Still waiting, buddy.

    That's pretty presumptuous of you...


  15. The man who overthrew the socialist Peron regime -- and then became a FASCIST dictator himself -- finally went on trial three decades later.
    Their methods were indistinguishable. Only the labels on the enemies changed.
    As long as people defer responsibility and authority to government elites, this will happen.
    Question Authority.

  16. Jimmy the Saint writes:

    "a small percentage of a very large group, is still a large group."

    Release the drug users and dealers from prison, and there will be plenty of cells to put terrorist murderers into.

    "that "small percentage" is actively supported by a larger percentage, and tacitly supported by the vast majority of the group."

    You mean like how mainstream American voters support foreign military adventures and domestic socialism?

    "Christianity has been pretty non-bloody for several hundred years now."

    Fred Reed writes: "There follows a list of Christian countries I can think of that have been conquered by Moslems since the Industrial Revolution: (none). On the other hand, to the best of my admittedly weak historical understanding, the following Islamic countries have been conquered by Christians: Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Chad, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Libya, Indonesia, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Kyrgyz, Kazakhstan, Somalia, Sudan, and Uzbekistan, to name a few. On various occasions Christians have tried to conquer Afghanistan, but with no better luck than they deserved. Since 1500, Christians also conquered all of North, South, and Central America, most of Southeast Asia, India, Australia, Nepal, Africa, China for practical purposes, and so on. I am not sure the record is altogether on the side of Christians in terms of inherent pacifism."

    I object to people who are willing to force me to live according to their religion. It doesn't matter whether they have long hair and a beard, or are clean shaven with a buzz cut. It doesn't matter what language they speak, or what color their passport is. They do the same crime, so let them receive the same punishment.

  17. Look: what is so disturbing and frightful about "Islam" (as it is discussed here) is that it's acting just like a collapsing state, turning to the art of picking fights as the last-ditch means of keeping itself alive.

    What a tremendous waste of electrons...that comment was.

    Before you go off on a rant some review of the history of Islam might be in order. Islam has been violent from the moment of its inception. The founder was the example...he raped, murdered, stole, and conned his way to the top.

    The very "Leviathan" that you so rightly hate has in fact been the very thing that has allowed the pestilence known as Islam to re-emerge from the dustbin of history. The Leviathan in Europe allowed millions, indeed demanded, that million of uneducated barbarians come in to do the low wage jobs no one else would do. The Leviathan is the same one who convinced the established citizens that having children was a bad idea...

    The Leviathan is exactly who is allowing Islam to emerge and overwhelm us.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Anon at 6:42:

    Fred Reed (whom I respect) makes the same mistake that Richard Mayberry and others I respect make -- that is, the start looking at maps of Christian vs Islam around the first millennium.

    Honest history begins with a map of the world at MoDoggie's birth, circa 570 AD, or before.

    This graphic is helpful:

    World Religions Over Geography

  20. Kevin, I think you're right in warning about the deceptive nature of the federal beast. I certainly don't feel enough fear at threats of terrorism to accept searches when traveling, monitoring of mail, email and telephone, or any other argument of tyrants for "my own protection." They are afraid of We the People. Islam is just the wedge they are using to separate us from our liberty.
    In my opinion, Islam is behaving as a RISING power that sees victory coming very close. It has always picked fights; that is its philosophy, its core. It knows what is best for the entire world, and will impose that vision even if it requires the death of millions OF MUSLIMS.
    Our government is just saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And my enemy is individual freedom."

    British Muslim posters call Christmas evil. It leads to illicit sex, venereal disease, drunkenness, abortion... and it's a sacrilege to say God had a son (even though Muslims will tell you they revere Jesus as a great prophet). So a billion and a half Christians are just flat-out WRONG. Deluded. Blasphemers.
    Could be a smear job by British anti-immigration protestors, but I think they realize lying is counterproductive, and besides, they don't need to. I've seen the Muslim protestors with their "Freedom go to hell" signs so I think they're real.

    Plus, Christians in Iraq are going to pray quietly at home out of fear of Christmas massacres.

  21. CA:
    That pretty well nails it.

  22. On the other hand, to the best of my admittedly weak historical understanding, the following Islamic countries have been conquered by Christians: Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Chad, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Libya, Indonesia, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Kyrgyz, Kazakhstan, Somalia, Sudan, and Uzbekistan

    My goodness you are a confused soul. Those countries were conquered not by Christians but by nations engaged in Empire building...Jesus as far as I remember did not advocate putting your enemy to the sword. Nor did he advocate even revolution. That nations that were predominantly Christian went ahead and ignored the teachings of Christ does not mean that we should blame Christainity for the wars. On the other hand...

    Mohammed HIMSELF put his enemy to the sword, raped his way through his enemies mothers, daughters and sister, stole what anything that could be carried and in general acted like a true brigand. Islam is a mirror of his actions.

    Islam CAN be blamed for the actions of its followers because Mohammed led the way.

  23. "Before you go off on a rant some review of the history of Islam might be in order. Islam has been violent from the moment of its inception. The founder was the example...he raped, murdered, stole, and conned his way to the top."

    No rant needed. You make the point quite nicely. Simply replace the fungible term "Islam" with just about any other nation-state (secular or religious) in the history of mankind, and your statement changes in no meaningful way.

    Ridicule me all you like (hell, I'm used to it), but mark my words: going after "Islam" will only make things worse in the end--if for no other reason than that task involves further empowering the thugocracy that rules us now.

    See? Fewer electrons that time, but the same point.

  24. Our government is just saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And my enemy is individual freedom."

    Defender, you said that a lot better than I did. :-)

  25. Kevin-

    Interesting perspective...

    And a citizen of my state, to boot...

  26. Thanks for that map, CA.
    It should make everyone happy. It explains why Muslims feel "oppressed." When they paint their green over someone else's color, and the someone else paints their own color back again: that's oppression! They're bracketed by Christianity voluntarily adopted in Africa and Russia long after Islam was founded, and by a little bit of Judaism since 1948. More oppression!
    And now a word from the Palestinian Minister of Uncontrollable Rage:

  27. No rant needed. You make the point quite nicely. Simply replace the fungible term "Islam" with just about any other nation-state (secular or religious) in the history of mankind, and your statement changes in no meaningful way.

    You just don't get it do you. There are fundemental differences between Islam and ANY other religion. Claiming that you can replace Islam with any other religion and make the same point is ridiculous.

    The Leviathan is helping to spread Islam and not any other religion specifically BECAUSE of the fundemental differences.

  28. Why is it so hard to accept that we have (at least) two enemies, islam and Leviathan?

    Absent a predatory fedgov, Islam would still be anathema to our values and culture, and a very real existential threat.

    Absent islam, fedgov would still be anathema, etc etc etc.

    That feralgov is using the (very real) threat of islam for its own ends to further erode Liberty in no way eliminates islam as a discreet threat.

    This is not to mention the many other malefactors who bear us only ill intentions. OK, I'll mention some of them: China, Russia, Venezuela, N. Korea. Are all these non threats because they aren't trying to wipe out islam? Or is it the other way around? What?

    Is the world reducible to such simple formulations, such that one threat is a "red herring" simply because another threat finds the first one useful?

    Liberty, my friends, is a hard sell, both in this entitled and pampered society, and in the rest of the world where people have little if any concept that resembles Liberty. Just as fewer and fewer folks right here have any comprehension of Liberty and its corollary, personal responsibility.

    We have to start somewhere. The only way Liberty will be preserved/restored is for it to happen right here, starting NOW, by all means possible. We will have to do it while keeping the other predators at bay, and some form of central power will have to remain to deal with them.

    The world's thugs are not interested in contract law anarchy. They are completely disinterested in any law other than that of the jungle.

    Jon III

  29. Fred Reed is trying to manipulate the reader with misleading grammar:
    "the following Islamic countries have been[emphasis added by me] conquered by Christians: Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Chad, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Libya, Indonesia, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Kyrgyz, Kazakhstan, Somalia, Sudan, and Uzbekistan, to name a few"
    Horse hockey. "have been", as opposed to "were", implies that the Islamic countries are still under the merciless Christian yoke. Wrong; the only country now under non-Muslim control is Palestine, and that, only partially so. The rest have been returned to control by Muslims.
    As for Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyz, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, Reed is referring to the Bolsheviks as "Christians". Cute. Do I need to explain the error?
    South America has been captured by Christian civilization, as Reed says. South-east Asia, erm, not so much.

    Reed comes out with some good points occasionally, and sometimes he spews leftist talking points. We might as well be reading Ed Shultz.

  30. Merry Christmas, everyone. May God -- whatever God or gods, mapped or unmapped or unknown or unknowable -- give us peace.
    May we all -- FreeFor or OpFor -- be given true wisdom to see what's REALLY right, and the courage to speak it and do it.
    Peace on Earth to men of good will. Everybody else better keep their heads down and their hands to themselves. Life is too short for all this crap.

  31. "Honest history begins with a map of the world at MoDoggie's birth, circa 570 AD, or before."

    CA, this is what I am hearing: events in all years should contribute the same weight to a prediction, no matter how long ago they occurred. That implies that since the USA and the USSR didn't exist in 570 AD, but only existed for the last 10% of that timespan, those entities will not be important on the world stage. That isn't correct. Instead, I think historical events should contribute exponentially less influence to a prediction the farther back they are. That predicts that the currently powerful Christian players are going to make most of the near-term change.

    To measure the strength to wage war, the land area occupied must also be measured by the local gross domestic product. A lot of area occupied recently by Islam is militarily irrelevant for force projection outside that region, because those populations aren't industrialized enough. The atomic bomb, the ICBM, and the missile sub weren't Muslim inventions.

    Anon 6:37 writes: "Those countries were conquered not by Christians but by nations engaged in Empire building"

    Yet those citizens voting for nation building still call themselves Christians; what should I call them? As far as I can tell, Christ advocated extreme libertarianism towards other men on Earth. Do you personally recognize no exception to 'thou shalt not steal', even when the gang of thieves is numerous enough to call itself a "government"?


    Wouldn't want to offend anyone.
    Article says Christians in the Holy Land are leaving, partly because of threats and intimidation, and partly because of the uncomfortable ISRAELI SECURITY STATE.

  33. well, i proposed it for the US back in 2007, see it here -

    Here is the meat of the thing

    Article III

    Immediately upon passage of this Amendment all Mosques, schools and Muslim places of worship and religious training are to be closed, converted to other uses, or destroyed. Proceeds from sales of such properties may be distributed to congregations of said places but full disclosure of all proceeds shall be made to an appropriate agency as determined by Congress. No compensation is to be offered by Federal or State agencies for losses on such properties however Federal funding is to be available for the demolishing of said structures if other disposition cannot be made.

    The preaching of Islam in Mosques, Schools, and other venues is prohibited. The subject of Islam may be taught in a post high school academic environment provided that instruction include discussion of Islam’s history of violence, conquest, and its ongoing war on democratic and other non-Islamic values.

    The preaching or advocating of Islamic ideals of world domination, destruction of America and democratic institutions, jihad against Judaism, Christianity and other religions, and advocating the implementation of Sharia law shall in all cases be punishable by fines, imprisonment, deportation, and death as prescribed by Congress. Violent expressions of these and other Muslim goals, or the material support of those both in the United States and around the world who seek to advance these Islamic goals shall be punishable by death.

    Muslims will be denied the opportunity to immigrate to the United States.

    scott, in phx, az

  34. Jon writes: "Absent a predatory fedgov, Islam would still be anathema to our values and culture, and a very real existential threat."

    Absent predatory gov at every level, Islam would still be anathema to our values and culture, and a laughingstock to well-armed Americans. American liberals seeking Gaia worship and equal outcome and American conservatives seeking monopolies have regulated American industry into oblivion. By comparison to that, Islam is no threat at all.

    "Why is it so hard to accept that we have (at least) two enemies, islam and Leviathan?"

    All enemies are not of equal strength; Islam is only a problem because of the domestic government suppression of self-defense.

    "China, Russia, Venezuela, N. Korea."

    What was that quote about be peaceful to everyone you meet, but have a plan to kill them? Domestic big government is the largest impediment to defense against foreign big government, whether it be Chinese, Soviet, or Islam.

    "We will have to [restore domestic liberty] while keeping the other predators at bay, and some form of central power will have to remain to deal with them."

    The mistake I've marked in bold is why the wrong outcome keeps repeating the same way.

    "The world's thugs are not interested in contract law anarchy. They are completely disinterested in any law other than that of the jungle."

    Contract law anarchy is willing to kill big offenders just as much as any other legal system.

    Anon @5:34 writes: "the only country now under non-Muslim control is Palestine, and that, only partially so. The rest have been returned to control by Muslims."

    How many of Fred's country list are currently still American/British/NATO puppets?

  35. Doings in the Holy Land. Palestinian Authority claims Jesus was a Palestinian, and furthermore, the first Palestinian martyred by the Jews, a shahid or shaheed. The word used of the children who blow up Israeli civilians with bomb vests, and men who cut airline pilots' throats with box cutters and fly planes into crowded skyscrapers.

  36. Nigeria:
    They have a Muslim organization whose name means "Western civilization is sacrilege." 38 Christians killed in Christmas violence, AFTER 700 died in 2009 and a security state was imposed.
    How are those Nigerian gun laws, I wonder. I think we know.

  37. Kevin, this author agrees with the "collapsing state" analysis you put forward.
    Maybe there's going to be a schism, with the sadomasochist traditionalists on one side and the Westernized Islam-Lite proponents on the other?
