Saturday, December 18, 2010

Codrea: Police Treat Bumper Sticker As PC

Go and read David's latest Examiner column.

What's on your bumper?


  1. I have a "Government is Dangerous: Brought to you by the 175 million people murdered by their governments in the last century" bumper sticker.

    I love my state. Legal non-permitted concealed carry for all. Open carry is normal and doesn't induce public panic. I've seen people carry openly in local government (borough) assembly meetings.

    A buddy of mine was once pulled over for a traffic stop while carrying. He said, "Officer, I have a loaded 1911 in my left breast pocket."

    She said, "Oh, ok," and didn't bat an eye. Didn't even look up.

    I could take exception with the requirement to notify police when nearby, but from the sounds of what you deal with in America (or at least non-Alaskan America), I'm fairly happy.


  2. Some years ago, James Bovard mentioned the fact that Grateful Dead bumper stickers were used as probably cause to search for drugs.

    Lesson: keep you politics and affiliations off your bumper. It does not pay to advertise.


  3. My bumper sticker(s):-
    1 Obama - Redistribute THIS - with a middle finger salute

    2. "I am the flag waving, gun toting, bible carrying conservative you have been warned about."

    Think that might constitute PC for a full body grope?

  4. Sounds like the cop says of the bumper sticker "That's just asking for trouble."

    Another example of the contempt, the us-vs.-them the authorities have for us.
    A commenter over there says a license plate from a "lax gun law" state when you're traveling in a stricter gun law state might be enough "probable cause" on its own.
    If they want to play it that way, OK. But we're not playing.

  5. Good lord that's a fat ass cop...hope the A-hole has a heart attack.

  6. A bumper-stunned govt. bureaucrat.

  7. Big car: Campaign to re-elect Sheriff (who ever is my good County Sheriff). Old-style Apple Computer sticker (rainbow, as shipped with Apple ][ , not white like with new Mac), easily confused with leftist "rainbow diversity" sticker (meaning unarmed and mostly compliant) by Law Enforcement who probably weren't interested in computers in 1983. No tint on windows. Keep 'em guessing!

    Older MBZ Diesel light colored with steel wheels, no stickers of any kind (esp. not leftist code "bio diesel"). No window tint. Plain & clean with current plates.

    Heavy window tint is the difference between a drawn weapon on walk-up and hand resting on belt above weapon, at least in Oregon.

    I stop completely at stop signs and am careful to signal all maneuvers including parallel parking. No tickets or stops in over 11 years.

    Jedi mind control: "This is not the car you wish to stop".

    Here comes a lowered tinted extra-loud (fart muffler and thumping/buzzing trunk lid) calico (rebuilt from many wrecks but not repainted one color) Honda Civic sporting racing equipment sponsorship stickers (yeah, right!) with 4 young men inside.
    This car ought to be pulled over weekly and plates run daily.

    Probable Cause is now Whatever TF the Office claims it is, and a bad cop can cause plenty of trouble for you based on his mood. A good cop will follow the law. Be polite and cooperative, and insist on refusing a search request, as well minimum spoken responses. Yes, Sir. No, Sir. Am I free to go?

    There is a RAH quote somewhere about police officers that was something like "Don't ever injure one, or let them think that you might or could, because that will bring out the most dangerous animal anywhere." You can look up the rest of the quote yourself concerning the most extreme circumstances.


  8. Dumb! In the current political climate, to have ANYTHING on your bumper or window which telegraphs you mindset or belief system is asking for trouble. I remember reading a letter to the editor of a gun magazine, where a NRA member, displying a NRA decal on his vehicle was stopped by a cop in Foster City, CA. The cop, upon seeing the decal, became especially officious and nasty. Probable cause to stop/detain/frisk has morphed quite a bit since I was a Deputy Sheriff in the 70's. The Leviathan knows all about us. They are constantly counting noses and sharing information. Stay aware. Plan, communicate, and prepare for even more curtailment of our liberties. And DOCUMENT every incident!

  9. On my bumper: "OK, joke's over -- bring back the Constitution"

  10. The police already have an us-vs-them mentality. Just time for us civilians to return the favor.


  11. What's on your bumper?

    Nothing. I'm a ghost.

    Honestly, in a country so divided that you can get your tires slashed for having the wrong "message" on your vehicle, you'd have to have a screw loose to advertise.

  12. An earlier post:
    "Dumb! In the current political climate, to have ANYTHING on your bumper or window which telegraphs you mindset or belief system is asking for trouble."

    Yeah, well, pack it up then, brother, because you've already surrendered. I understand the gray man concept, but if one is not free in this country to display a bumper sticker with political overtones, the time for real, physical, not-just-an-internet-rant revolution has come. For real. We are not quite there.

    What is dumb as well, consistent with such logic, in this political climate, is visiting a site such as WRSA. And that, you have done.

    I understand the gray man philosophy. I'm just not so good at it. Neither is anyone who visits or posts on this and many similar sites.

    But, I maintain that if living as a gray man becomes a necessity in the US, the time for a hot war has come.


  13. An earlier post:
    "Dumb! In the current political climate, to have ANYTHING on your bumper or window which telegraphs you mindset or belief system is asking for trouble."

    Yeah, well, pack it up then, brother, because you've already surrendered. I understand the gray man concept, but if one is not free in this country to display a bumper sticker with political overtones, the time for real, physical, not-just-an-internet-rant revolution has come. For real. We are not quite there.

    What is dumb as well, consistent with such logic, in this political climate, is visiting a site such as WRSA. And that, you have done.

    I understand the gray man philosophy. I'm just not so good at it. Neither is anyone who visits or posts on this and many similar sites.

    But, I maintain that if living as a gray man becomes a necessity in the US, the time for a hot war has come. If ever American patriots must live as gray men in order to live, living as gray men is not an option. At such a time, gray men will have earned another name: cowards.

    There is nothing wrong with living an unobtrusive and quiet life. There is nothing wrong with keeping quiet about increasingly non-mainstream views. My point is that it is not yet an imperative to do so. If it ever is, well, we've lost.


  14. Keeping your vehicle sterile and looking like any one of a hundred is a great idea.
    I used to plaster all my USMC, NRA stickers,etc until I finally understood that tactical camo was the way to go. Be the Grey Man that no one sees. Nobody gives a fuck what your religious or political preference is, EXCEPT YOU. When your ego quiets down, go scrape all that crap off, even take off the stupid dealer frame from your license plate and nobody will know who you are OR where you are from(unless you drive a neon green Pacer, in which case you're just plain screwed). You might not like it now, but next year it just might save your life.


  15. Anon @ 12/19 12AM:

    I lived in Washington state for over 20 years and had that bumper sticker (Ok the joke's over, bring back the Constitution) on my truck. I was repeatedly, regularly harassed by cops. In fact, without going into too much detail, I was "awarded" a $5,000 pre-trail settlement for false arrest in 1998. I do not show my politics anymore.....but that city paid for me to build the best sniper-grade rifle in my collection. Thank you.


  16. When employees treat the boss this way, it's time to fire them.

    Maybe the next batch will 'protect and serve' the rights of the citizens who pay their wages.

    Rise, and Repeat as necessary.

  17. Looks like the top selling car for 2010 was:

    Same for 2009.

    Same for 2008.

    Same for 2007.

    Looks like if ya wanna be a Gray Man, you're better off Ford tough...

    Silver is the most popular car color and has been for a while as well, although white beat it by 1% in 2007.
