Saturday, October 2, 2010

Things Fall Apart

Read all of this dark piece at Washington Rebel, to which I commented:

Freedom's enemies see faith, decency, generosity, kindness, and love as weaknesses to be exploited in furtherance of their objectives, which include the complete subjugation and exploitation of every human being on the planet.

Freedom's enemies are correct.

The social virtues of modern Western civilization are its weakest link, at least to the minds of predators and the utopian.

To have a chance at prevailing against global collectivism in all its diverse but harmoniously evil facets, individual citizens in every nation on Earth will have to summon the nearly-lost capability for intelligent, focused, innovative, and relentless savagery against all who claim the group has primacy over Rand's smallest minority.

The thoughtful and ongoing application of destructive energies (kinetic, electronic, radioactive, thermal, etc.) against every and all actors and nodes of the collectivist apparat will, in the end, be decisive, as it has been since the beginning of time.

Violence -- merely threatened or actually delivered en masse -- is how the state maintains its power over individuals, as well as how the 20th-century collectivist tyrants who were defeated - and not all of them were, by any means - had their vile dreams thwarted.

Thinking anything short of that same endeavor will cause the 21st-century Leviathan to relent is the height of delusion.

Lose your illusions.

Toughen your mind and body

Harden your heart.

It's coming.



    Speaking of people who help them fall apart.
    Meanwhile, the Tea Party advocates for smaller government are called "anarchists."

  2. The Islamists and the New Black Panthers and other socialist collectivists have friends in high places.

    A simple drive in any metropolitan area will demonstrate that to many people, other human beings are obstacles to be intimidated, threatened or bashed out of the way. And that's for NO reason, other than a few seconds of THEIR time means more than YOUR life.
    When they're organized, the moral high ground will be some VERY expensive real estate.
    Mercy for the merciful. For the others, the whirlwind.

  3. Which is why I admitted to being a scalper, and a monster of various shades. I'm just fine with live and let live, and peace and tranquility, it's my true preference. But something wicked this way comes, and it laughs at such things, and seeks to devour the meek and mild. It won't quit or be discouraged. Until it meets me and mine. There will be one rule. Kill or be killed. Here endeth the lesson.

  4. Realistically, the collectivist Left will conquer the West. Then Islam will conquer the collectivist Left.

    Should make for entertaining television.

  5. Defender, yeah, Tea Party advocates don't deserve that appellation.

  6. Defender said:

    Mercy for the merciful. For the others, the whirlwind.

    October 2, 2010 4:47 AM

    Sean said:

    I'm just fine with live and let live, and peace and tranquility, it's my true preference. But something wicked this way comes, and it laughs at such things, and seeks to devour the meek and mild. It won't quit or be discouraged. Until it meets me and mine. There will be one rule. Kill or be killed. Here endeth the lesson.

    October 2, 2010 6:51 PM

    Just so.

    Jimmy the Saint said:

    Realistically, the collectivist Left will conquer the West. Then Islam will conquer the collectivist Left.

    Aughtsix says:

    Screw all that. Royally, in the many orifices.

    Only if we allow it.

    Your "realism" is defeatism. Even if you're right, would you rather live in the world to come that you envision...

    or die trying to prevent it?

    It won't take that many of us to defeat such a small minority. They're like the playground bully, loud and aggressive, until taken down by one courageous kid, shown up for the empty shell of cowardice that they are.

    I'm guessing you're not that kid.

    Jon III

  7. The only way to defeat a Monster is to KILL IT or them which ever the case may be.



    "Conservative" politicial guru says Newt is more viable than Sarah Palin. Commenter mentions Gingrich's congressional bounced check scandal, marital scandal... but not his CFR doings? Were they not here in the '90s?

    Also, a big imam in a Christianne Amanpour panel discussion says the flag of Islam will fly over the White House. And why, if some of the women on the CNN newsroom staff are practicing Muslims, aren't their heads covered???

  9. Geert Wilders could get two years in prison for insulting Islam. By posting online a film showing Muslims doing bad things in the name of Islam...

    Speaking of Western values.
