Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Preparing For The Universal Ummah

Please read this article by Bat Ye'or in The American Thinker, along with commentary at the Gates of Vienna.

Nothing to see here....move along....religion of peace...just like any other.

We now return you to your regular programming.


  1. Dam´n 1.3---1.6 billion. I´m going down to the gun store and buy more powder, primers and bullets. better get more brass while I´m at it. with that many Jihad-est I won´t be able to afford to buy ready made ammo.


  2. So we can thank the shadow government that controls America for allowing unfettered immigration of Muslims and others of non-European heritage. At the same time we have a war on terror that is directly linked to this religious doctrine. All part of a divide and conquer strategy.


  3. Any comments on this paper would be helpful.


  4. Umm no, I'll pass on that Ummah, but I'll take a helping of tabouli and a kabob.

  5. Yup, time to buy another case of rounds.

  6. CBS News broadcasted a Christian-slamming piece tonight, saying most surveyed on the street only answered correctly 16 of 32 questions on the Bible, Judaism and Islam. No Muslims were interviewed, so we don't know how THEY tested.
    They DID show one Christian businessman who said faith was much more important than knowledge of the history of Christianity. I guess that was supposed to scare us.
    Another headline "Can President Obama recapture the magic?"
    My wife was sitting at a stoplight in a one-lane turn lane when a woman passed her on the right, clipping her rear bumper and scraping the passenger side. My wife loaned her her cell phone to call her husband. When the husband got there, they both LIED to police that my wife had tried to pass HER. They were Muslims. It's what they do. The Koran requires it.

  7. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership recommends these articles.
    They make me think of the Jewish aphorism "He who is kind to the cruel is cruel to the kind."


  8. (Press release from the OIC itself): The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu today strongly condemned the publication of the book entitled “Tyranny of Silence” in Denmark. The book contains a compilation of denigrating caricatures and cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) published by the Jyllands Posten in 2005 which aroused worldwide condemnation and denunciation, and caused hurt and insult to the sentiments of Muslims around the world.

    The OIC Secretary General expressed his dismay and disappointment at the release of the book despite the fact that he and some other leaders of the Muslim countries had personally addressed letters to the Foreign Minister of Denmark urging the intervention of the Danish government against the publication due to the highly provocative and inciting contents of the book. He reiterated his position when the Foreign Minister of Denmark called on him to discuss the issue at the sidelines of the 65th session of the UN General Assembly.

    Emphasizing the moral responsibility of the political leadership of Denmark in this regard, the Secretary General said that the publication of the book was a deliberate attempt to incite prejudices and animosity which would undermine the ongoing efforts of the international community for promoting understanding and peaceful coexistence among peoples of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds..."
    In other words, "Silence! I kill you!"
