Friday, August 27, 2010

Quote Of The Year

There is anecdotal evidence that the banning of traditional ammunition would have an adverse impact on government bureaucrat populations.

Tam; see also Ricketyclick, SayUncle and Kevin


  1. Simple, and to the point.

    I agree completely.


  2. There's always some commenter who says "You guys won't do anything, you'll bitch and moan on these blogs but you'll comply."
    He's wrong.
    If the boyz in the hood will kill for athletic shoes, pocket change or an imagined dirty look, why should we long-suffering sovereigns hold back when the bare essentials of liberty are to be denied us? And it seems there's a perfect storm a-comin'.

  3. Get a gun, than another. Don't forget to get plenty of ammo. Get more ammo. Learn how to use them. Just my 2 cents worth.

  4. Most of your links are from January of 2007... Not exactly current ;o)

    That said, I recently stumbled over a YT vid, which profoundly affected me at a visceral level.

    Not the best vid - I have the image of a beautiful one in my mind, but sadly I lack the skills to make it reality.

    I carefully transcribed the words, then searched until I found the only online reference which named an author.

    Here are the words:
    There comes a times in the lives of men
    When the ruthless and the criminally insane
    Who rule the masses for their own gain
    Make the fatal mistake of enjoying too much
    Their psychopathic entertainment

    They lose control in their lust for blood
    And take too far their need to tread men down
    By destroying any sense of a secure life
    And taking away each and every freedom

    Stealing the last piece of wealth they possess
    So they cannot even care for their own
    Stifling their voice with laws and corruption
    Beating them down with rule by force
    Where no justice exists for those being played

    And there is no direction left for men to turn
    When this insane game is taken this far
    Comes the time when men have nothing left to lose

    This is the time when the minds of men are freed
    It is a time when man loses his fear of death
    This is the time when a man becomes invincible
    He becomes free to do whatever he must do

    Without fear for his life or for his future
    He will take control of the destiny of the world
    Away from the bloodied hands of the soulless

    Any action he takes he will take with a surety
    That he must do something for he has no future
    So the act he chooses will be all the greater

    For when faced with oblivion and with no way out
    There is one thing this now fearless man will do
    He will take down as many of his oppressors with him
    Gladly die in a selfless act to change the world’s future

    This day is coming soon as it always does
    The perverse minds of evil always self destruct
    As their addiction to our suffering can never be sated
    Exerting control for their paranoia and fear of men

    For every good man will take down these brutes
    Every free man will give up himself for his brothers
    For a man with nothing left becomes fully empowered

    And he is the most unassailable weapon.
    (C) 2010 Colin Ryan

    As profound as this is, and given that brevity is the essence of eloquence, I think I can beat it.

    As I once told a truly twisted Attorney outside the hearing room where he - at my ex-wife's behest - was attempting to saddle me with false charges of molesting my daughters:

    "You know...
    When you take away everything that matters to a man...
    You have no right to be surprised if he acts as if he's got nothing left to lose.

    If you want to know why We The People haven't already taken up arms, it is quite simply this.

    We haven't yet accepted that we've got nothing left to lose.

    The average man - today - still holds on to hope that "things will get better." He's not willing to stick his neck out, because -- SO FAR -- the price of silence is bearable.

    He's done the risk/reward calculation, and it's obvious that -- SO FAR -- it's much more dangerous to stand up than it is to swallow what's being stuffed down his throat.

    But with every new outrage -- every twist of the garotte -- these monsters bring us ever closer to the day when no true Man can sit silent.

  5. Excellent comment; also, the beautiful crosshair design would make a perfect freeting card to send your elected representative, with one minor addition.
    A black dot in the center bearing the caption, "You Are Here"

  6. Remember, the EPA is itself vulnerable to sanction.

    They'll attempt to stop lead containing ammo at the manufacturing level.

    The EPA has brick and mortar sites all around the country, almost none of which can be offered any level of protection against sanction.

  7. This is how it starts...some mindless bureaucrat issues an an edict without any thought for the consequences or affect on individuals. These people need to learn a very painful and expensive lesson. There will be a price to pay for arrogance.

  8. Dedicated Dad said:

    If you want to know why We The People haven't already taken up arms, it is quite simply this.

    We haven't yet accepted that we've got nothing left to lose.

    Just so, unfortunately, but put in a way even I can understand. Pity it has to come to that.

    DD also said:

    "When you take away everything that matters to a man...
    You have no right to be surprised if he acts as if he's got nothing left to lose."

    Must we wait until we have nothing left but to die honorably? The greater Honor, it seems to me, would be to initiate righteous action against the puppet masters well bnefore we "have nothing left to lose."

    Freedom is NOT "just another word for nothing left to lose."



    Pity it has to come to that. But that is the very a

  9. "As profound as this is, and given that brevity is the essence of eloquence, I think I can beat it."

    I think it was said in a most terse way when Janis Joplin sang, "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose."

  10. Wow, Most powerful comments I believe I've ever read. Really hit me deep in the heart. And good to know I'm not alone.

    Thanks for the great posts and the right on target message.
