Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A History Lesson

From Alvie at The Cliffs, with a related warning here.

Read both, and think.

Which way are YOU facing?


  1. Speaking of history, I would ask you to learn this necessary skill and join with me in what may soon become a Revolutionary Act:


  2. A former friend of mine once said that revolutions have a funny way of being hijacked on the way to their completion. The collectivists do have one major disadvantage in the coming shitstorm. THEY are the establishment, and nothing invites wrecking any more that an established tyranny. The only thing I have to face is my loyalty to the truth. III.

  3. After the next revolution the patriots will either be dead or will find themselves moved safely out of the way. Then the ideologues will take over. That too is history that has happened before and will happen again.
