Thursday, July 22, 2010

How The Bad People And Their Supporters See You

Vandam links to Soja, each with commentary.

Understand that once your principled objection to unlimited government power has been converted via iteration and the Big Lie process to support for chattel slavery, the New Lincoln and his state security forces can do literally whatever they want to you so as to keep you and your "domestic terrorist" plans from succeeding.

As I said the other day, this beat will go on.

And once they have the memetic battlespace prepared, they will act.

Will you?

And by the way, do you still think we can live peacefully with one another?


  1. Oh yeah? Well this is how WE see THEM.

  2. I am opposed to chattel slavery in all forms. First, I am opposed to my own slavery, then to opposing a system that creeps up like a bedbug in the night.

    Big invasive government is a blood-sucking bedbug that does not kill swiftly and only takes a little each, each time. People are capable of enduring much, but eventually the DDT comes out.

    Got drinkable water?


  3. I see Pelosi and obama. And Ted is over there by with Sotomyer and Kagin, but where's the rest of the democratic party?

  4. I think I see Shirley Sherrod over the right shoulder of that head demon.

    And looking at the cartoon, it looks like the Constitution he is holding says, "Slavery Okay." just looked all through my copy of the Constitution, and I can't seem to find that verse anywhere. But I do find the Declaration of Independence, which says that if we don't like our government, we can throw it out and pick a new one.

    Uh-oh! Looks like trouble!

  5. The more RTC'ers are able to get in front of cameras with their guns and speak intelligently, the more difficult it will be for the other side to control the memetic battlespace.

    Never cede them that victory.

  6. Agreed, Dan. I think it is time to fire up "The Coming Storm", a weekly/every 10 days regular program on YouTube's Channel III: Threepervision.

    As conceived, it would be a place where cool,calm, and collected people could say "no" in their words, along with interviews with celebs like MBV and that guy behind the RTC movement.

  7. People who can't recite a phrase from the Declaration of Independence, Constitution or Bill of Rights -- other than the "press" part of the First Amendment. Believe me, I used to work with newspaper reporters and editors, and they're oblivious to all that except as it pertains to THEIR access to government sources, printing their papers and making money. Well, there are exceptions, but they get shouted down and sometimes booted out.
    And they call us anti-freedom.
    Next, we'll be "untermenschen," subhumans. Or are we there yet?
    No, WE'RE not the new Nazis.

  8. "And by the way, do you still think we can live peacefully with one another?"



