Monday, July 5, 2010

Casus Belli

Insty notes this latest raised eyebrow (see also this related article) in the growing .gov drumbeat about "cyberwar", noting:

The way to raise the cost of government misbehavior, of course, is for large numbers of citizens to agree in advance that an Internet shutdown is cause for immediate alarm, and distrust.

I am utterly confident that the same regime that is interfering with Gulf oil spill media coverage would never try to disrupt (or even sever permanently) the main communications medium for its growing legions of opponents.

That would be wrong.


  1. I wouldn't put it past them.

  2. "The way to raise the cost of government misbehavior, of course, is for large numbers of citizens to agree in advance that an Internet shutdown is cause for immediate alarm, and distrust."

    Alarm and distrust, my right jump boot!

    It is just cause for open warfare. What more blatant example of rampant tyranny could you possibly want?

    How many more "Intolerable" Acts are we supposed to endure?


