Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Jennifer III delivers the bad news.

To it, I suggest this theme:


  1. To paraphrase Eisenhower...Get the films, get the witnesses, get it all on record now, because somewhere down the road of history, someone will say this was a GOOD THING.

    Anyone care to play Taps?

  2. If you’ll indulge me here’s my response-via some brave and very wise words written in the 90′s written by Oath Keepers:

  3. Huh.

    My copy of the Constitution does note that Congress shall have the power to "to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries".

    Copyright law is something, then, that does fall under Congress's bailiwick, no?

  4. I think the issue is not one of enumerated powers but of impermissible infringement of 1A rights.

    Me? I can't bear to read law anymore....
