Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jennifer III On...

The Great Consolidation

The Myth of Non-Violence

Fourth Generation Policing

Please do as I have done and add I'll Take Liberty to your blogroll and daily rounds.


  1. Re: Non-violence/pacifism

    My policy is that I'll be as peaceful as I'm allowed to be, & as horrifically violent as I have to be. The situation usually dictates the response to it. The thing that turns me against pacifists is the supercilious attitude of moral superiority they usually have toward those who choose to resist predation w/ force & that they demand others also be sacrificed on the altar of their belief. And that brings up the question of whether one has a duty to protect such 'compassionate' folk from the consequences of their philosophy against their wishes & @ the possible cost of one's life/limb, or should one respect their belief, let nature take its predictably bloody course, & bury the remains of the 'faithful' after eliminating those who did them in.

    Cassandra (of Troy)

  2. Casandra sez:

    "My policy is that I'll be as peaceful as I'm allowed to be, & as horrifically violent as I have to be."

    My philosophy, exactly. Perfect justice for all.



  3. aughtsix/Jon,

    It works for me, but many who claim to understand what such a philosophy entails put limitations on its application & degree & will denigrate those who refuse to do so. The church scene w/ Connery & Costner in The Untouchables & the Taco Bell dinner scene in Demolition Man are examples of what I mean. As was said in Molly Hatchet's Flirtin' With Disaster: "It ain't fuh evabody".

    Cassandra (of Troy)
