Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More On 4/19 RTC

Associated Press as linked on Drudge -- make sure to watch the video.

Time magazine.

Codrea here and here.

MBV here and here.

Russia Today here.

USA Today.

Other coverage.

Back on the road.


  1. Now I'm famous!! Or, infamous.

  2. Underwhelming news interest. Congrats! Open carry is now normalized.

  3. I'm not up on all the provisions of NFA firearms, but I'm pretty sure they can't be brought over state lines. This is from the USA Today article you linked (emphasis added):

    "The federal government doesn't have the authority to tell anybody how to buy health care," Bowman said. He carried an automatic rifle over his shoulder and had a .45-caliber pistol on his hip. "We're visibly using our First and Second Amendment rights to put out the message that the Constitution is the law of the land and must be followed."

    Am I wrong or is this just a "fact checking error" on the part of the "journalist"?

  4. Anon 5:20 pm:

    Do you think the USA Today reporter has an inkling of the distinction between "automatic" and "semi-automatic" firearms?

  5. Concerned American, none whatsoever.

    However, what the more troubling thing is that I don't think the reporter cares to get it right and perhaps got it wrong "on purpose" or at least to scare as many people as possible with "OH GOD! THE BROUGHT MACHINE GUNS TO A POLITICAL RALLY! GOOD HEAVENS!" type reactions.
