Thursday, April 29, 2010

The 'Jews In The Attic' Test

Read it.

Learn it.

Apply it.

Live it.

(h/t to The Smallest Minority)


  1. The JITA-test basically ends the ability of a civil government to control internal actions of criminals. The only "acceptable" behavior to pass a JITA-test is a hard militarized border, at least as sturdy as the one the Israelis are putting up between themselves and the Palestinians. Against a well-funded 4G or 5G opponent like the cartels+StateofMexico, a wall won't work.

    OTOH, implementing a comprehensive set of rules EXACTLY like those in Mexico for the controlling of foreigners will work/does work.

    The reality of the AZ law is that if you aren't doing anything wrong or suspicious, they don't have "reasonable suspicion" nor would they have "probable cause" to bother you or ask for ID. Even if an illegal alien walked up to a city cop and asked for directions in Spanglish to the local quickie mart while wearing his Matricula Consular card pinned to the outside of his coat, I don't think that would be enough to pass an RS or PC threshold by itself.

    Expect a pretty heavy bill for additional police training associated with this law.

    We in Portland are just a few years behind AZ's disaster. Oregon is not hiring, thus fewer illegals, but still plenty.


  2. "The JITA-test basically ends the ability of a civil government to control internal actions of criminals."

    Naah. Murders and thieves should be kept in jail, where they can't hurt anybody else. The jail wall is the proper location of the hard militarized border which separates civilization from the jungle; civilization is huge, while the jungle is tiny. The current violent predator catch-and-release system is makework for the judicial-industrial complex.

    "The reality of the AZ law is that if you aren't doing anything wrong or suspicious, they don't have "reasonable suspicion" nor would they have "probable cause" to bother you or ask for ID."

    I see you've never been black in the US in 1960. Could you find someone who was and ask them what the reality of street policing was like?

    "Against a well-funded 4G or 5G opponent like the cartels+StateofMexico, a wall won't work."

    Then when can we stop paying for a wall which only damages honest people?
