Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Grigg: The Borders Are Closing In

Read Will Grigg's latest essay.

Think about what things will be like in five years here in the United Socialist States of America.

Are you ready?


  1. I'm always amazed at all the anti-immigration talk that comes from our community. Thinking that any government (Federal or State) should limit the mobility of upstanding people.

    We don't want them to do it it us, but to the other guy it's ok.

    Migration is not the problem, public "services" are.

  2. When is Mr. Grigg going to round up the 400,000 plus illegals in Arizona and send 'em packing? Or is he just going to give 'em all amnesty?

    Amerika alright.

    Mountain rifleman

  3. MR:

    If the unconstitutional public benefits were removed, would much of the incentive to come here illegally be removed?

    Understand that my view on the southern border is that it should be enforced as vigorously as Mexico does with its southern border.

    But just as in the drug war, one needs to look at why folks do things.

    If I were a Mexican, you bet your dupa I'd try to get north of the Rio Grande.

    And in the final analysis, I am more skeptical about more grants of power to domestic police than I am of the border issue.

  4. The names of the border guards? Can those be found anywhere? That would be the most important piece of information, IMO.

  5. "Understand that my view on the southern border is that it should be enforced as vigorously as Mexico does with its southern border."

    CA: WHY? Can you explain how you reached this conclusion?

    When Spooner says the Constitution and the government is bogus, that means the government's border is bogus also. There are no true arguments for a border; there are only false arguments such as racism, false economics like protectionist, and false consent like majority voting.

  6. Anon:

    The simple answer is that until unconstitutional public services are eliminated, it makes no sense whatsoever to have virtually unlimited demand for those services created by limitless illegal immigration.

    In addition, by having no effective border between the USA and the failed state of Mexico, we guarantee that their problems are our problems.

  7. "until unconstitutional public services are eliminated, it makes no sense whatsoever to have virtually unlimited demand for those services created by limitless illegal immigration."

    This approach allows you to continue your racist protectionism without having to own that position. If the borders were opened, welfare would be overwhelmed in a month, collapse, and disappear. It's going to happen anyway because the commies on both sides of the aisle can't do math. But instead of working this practical path to freedom, you are repairing the leaks in the Democrats machine, to keep the Democrats in power longer. The thing you fear the most is the lack of a strong central government to force other people to live properly.

    "In addition, by having no effective border between the USA and the failed state of Mexico, we guarantee that their problems are our problems."

    Isn't the failing of the state the goal? Isn't free enterprise in narcotics the goal? Isn't the goal to have the free enterprisers strong enough to drive off the government parasites?

    Either you're Republican, and you want to rule the peasants, or you are libertarian, and you don't want to rule anybody. You can't have it both ways. Reagan talked a libertarian game but was a big government Republican. People are seeing through that now.

  8. I agree with Mr. Grigg up to a point. The power brokers with guns at the DHS and ICE will abuse any and all power extended to their agencies. We see this happening everyday.

    The flip side of his argument is full of holes. Until someone who has the guts to close off the free flow of illegals at the border what other choices are there?? We are in a Catch 22 aren't we??

    Newark, Ohio

  9. Anon:

    Racist? You can't be serious.

    I don't give a damn if the illegals are blond/blue Norwegians or the darkest-skinned folks from central Africa. There is no human right to be an illegal American resident.

    As for the other point, google "tragedy of the commons".

  10. "Racist? You can't be serious.

    I don't give a damn if the illegals are blond/blue Norwegians or the darkest-skinned folks from central Africa.

    I'm not convinced. I think it's simpler to hypothesize that all the electrons spilled here freaking out about Mexicans and Muslims is just ordinary racism, than an intellectual failure to analyze protectionism or calculate Arab military capabilities and motivations. I could be wrong, but it sounds just like other people who I know to be racist.

    "There is no human right to be an illegal American resident."

    Sure there is -- because you have no right to impede the movement of people across property that isn't yours. All those other people's property that make up the "border" don't belong to you, and you get no say on who crosses them. Even the border property owners don't get as much say as they might like, because adverse possession has set up an easement. Human rights don't allow you to set up a "border" or a "state". Open borders is not a policy preference chosen by some libertarians; rather, it is an unavoidable consequence of choosing to be libertarian.

    "As for the other point, google "tragedy of the commons"."

    There is no known solution to the tragedy of the commons. Government doing the allocation of the commons is not a solution; that makes the tragedy worse by replacing the livestock commons with the largest of all possible commons, the legislature. I repeat, there is no known solution to the tragedy of the commons. Since there is no solution, a better approach is to turn commons into private property wherever possible. Various authors have advanced the details of that approach, and Walter Block just put out a book on private roads.

  11. Damn. Freedom is such a high-maintenance thing. Then again, if it were easy, everyone would have it.
