Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mayberry: Going John Galt

Mayberry has just finished Atlas Shrugged, and has been inspired enough to post the pieces below, as well as suggest another quality tune above by which to consider the future:

It Never Ends

Bypassing Oppressive Taxation



  1. This is a genius idea, and one I'm planning to implement ASAP.

    I've learned that one can easily produce his own factory-quality cigarettes - with MUCH fresher tobacco - for about a nickel a piece.

    I'm planning a "top-o-matic" injector, and haven't yet decided on tubes/tobacco because I want to match "my brand" as closely as possible.

    If anyone has suggestions on how to add the golden "$" sign, I'd sure be grateful - I SWEAR I'll do this if I can figure out how...

    So far I'm considering some metallic "gold" paint and a rubber-stamp. So long as I keep this on the filter it should be no problem...


  2. Thanks for the linkage, much appreciated.

    Dad, I had the same thing in mind for the $. Haven't looked too far into it yet, guess I better get busy...
