Monday, January 4, 2010

The Flag of the Three Percent Flies (Literally) Over Afghanistan

(click to enlarge)

This just in from Afghanistan:


I received your package in the mail the other day, I want to thank all of you for your generosity. I have never seen grown men go so nuts over coffee. I have handed out most of the patches and we have been wearing them while were flying (obviously can't wear them on our uniforms because old 1SG's get upset). I have attached a picture of us flying the 3% flag through the Mountains of Afghanistan.

Once again thank you for all of your support,

CW2 (Redacted)

(click to enlarge)


  1. 3% flag over Afghanistan.....yeah that will do us a lot of good here at home.

    And note that they are worried about upsetting 1SG by wearing them on their uniforms.

    I doubt any of these guys will be willing to "shoot the colonels".

    Not hopeful......not at all hopeful.

  2. I find the juxtaposition of the OH-58D
    with Threeper flag and the "Time to Shoot the Colonels" article a fortuitous one.

    Is there any doubt about what that aircrew will do if ordered to kill American Freedom Fighters?

  3. Gee, I thought, by the last post, that all in the military are our enemies. Maybe you better tell the writer of that one about this new development. I suppose warrant officers are really officers, since they would be mere political appointees and totally spineless sellouts.

  4. Neat job of total contradiction of the two posts...the "Threeper" flag in a combat zone in Afghanistan right atop the essay by the Monkey Starver about US military personnel just following der orders!

    So, which one is it?

    Nah, nevermind. You guys don't really know either.

  5. Great pic. This one is going to go viral. I've already helped to do that in within connected military cirlces.

    There is a whole bunch of serving military, and their civilian support workers, who will chomp on the bit after seeing this pic.

    As propaganda, the pic is on the threshold of being almost too good.


  6. All Anons:

    Do any of you doubt there will be those in the .mil, from high-ranking officers down to lowest enlisted ranks, who will follow unconstitutional orders from the NCA?

    I can tell you that no one in the .mil (current or former) -- no one -- with whom I have discussed this topic believes that there won't be a significant number of Oath Breakers.

    Those same folks assured me that there will be a significant number of Oath Keepers as well.

    Now, let's assume a domestic fracas, and a .mil bird such as the one shown breaks out the III flag and starts using its tools in support of freedom?

    Does anyone doubt that there won't be orders given to fellow .mils to smoke that helicopter?

    Then and only then, in thousands of scenarios across time and space, will there be actual data on the proportion of OBs to OKs.

    Until such time, it behooves everyone to be realistic and open-minded about what the future will bring.

  7. This is an awesome bit of prop. indeed. We in the active service use things like this to show the young guys that they have an oath to uphold, and to keep advancing the cause.



  8. "I can tell you that no one in the .mil (current or former) -- no one -- with whom I have discussed this topic believes that there won't be a significant number of Oath Breakers.

    Those same folks assured me that there will be a significant number of Oath Keepers as well."

    Yep, there will be both.

    Problem is, the article you posted does not recognize that reality. He paints a picture of ALL military ALWAYS gunning us down no matter what we do.

    "Until such time, it behooves everyone to be realistic and open-minded about what the future will bring."

    Exactly why you should just write up your own REALISTIC balanced analysis, like you just did, rather than posting an unrealistic, innacurate, totally defeatist article by an author who has an incentive to be "controversial" to drum up book sales.

    We trust you. We don't necessarily trust monkey man author.

  9. Or at least post your own analysis right below the article providing the balance this subject deserves. Nothing is ever so black and white as Monkey Starver makes it out to be.
