Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Cant of Thieves

Thanks to reader DW for this (rated 'adult' for a few f-bombs) link from The Smallest Minority, whose proprietor notes as follows:

My Boomershoot buddy emailed me a link to this one; Jaded Haven, The Cant of Thieves:

I do believe the remnant landscapes of true America, ones that still marginally graced my existence through a sixties childhood, are a thing of the past. The cant of thieves now dominates our times. Men and woman have forgotten their faces, the history of our people has been reduced to nothing, there is no pride in our forefather’s wisdom, sacrifice or common sense. We live like animals, succored on airwaves and tweets, disposable goods and the graft of elected vultures that we’ve elevated to iconic status. Historical ignorance has become a point of pride in the man on the street.

Our lives skim the surface, searching for depth in the fleeting adulation of our collection of goods, wives and bank balances. God lies in a Mercedes-Benz, a velvet Ivy league degree or a great set of tanned, plastic tits.

READ. IT. ALL. I am reminded of Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

In a state of psychological weakness, weapons become a burden for the capitulating side. To defend oneself, one must also be ready to die; there is little such readiness in a society raised in the cult of material well-being. Nothing is left, then, but concessions, attempts to gain time and betrayal.

Damn, but I love a well-crafted rant. Daphne hits one out of the park.

It's a fine introduction to a theme you'll see developed here this year:

What does the intelligent man or woman do when

- they are surrounded by thieves, murderers, and scum,

- there's no place left to run, and

- one's moral code forbids joining the autogenocidal horde?


  1. "What does the intelligent man or woman do when

    - they are surrounded by theives, murderers, and scum,

    - there's no place left to run, and

    - one's moral code forbids joining the autogenocidal horde?"

    You've probably heard the Asian parable (I paraphase) about the man chased by tigers to the top of a cliff. He decides to jump, and grabs a branch on the way down. But below him are more tigers, waiting for dinner. On the branch, he sees a wild strawberry. He eats that strawberry, before he falls, and it's the sweetest strawberry he's ever tasted.

    Sometimes this gets me through the day. Other days I want to go tiger hunting. I hate the idea of acceptance. I hate parables like this, because of the feeling of powerlessness. I think of titles like HOW I FOUND FREEDOM IN AN UNFREE WORLD. I like to think that the tigers in the mirror are closer than they appear, but that when they get that close, I...we...I could fight them.

    But if it's really THAT bad, I'm going to at least enjoy the fruits that I can reach.

  2. Thank you very much for the linkage.

  3. I went. I read. I am in awe.

    Wouldn't want Daphne mad at me!

    "What does the intelligent man or woman do when they are surrounded by thieves, murderers, and scum,..." etc.

    Whatever is required to defend self, family and community... whatever! Mental preparation for whatever the situation requires of you- get your moral conundrums resolved now. A clear mind and a conscience at peace with reality are your greatest weapons.



  4. Dear Daphne,

    I fell in love with you after reading just one rant.

    I was beginning to think that all American women want is the material things. You showed me there may be hope.

    A Pistol Packin' Mama who knows how to speak her mind.

    Hugs and kisses to you....and dont ever change.

    Your secret admirer.
