Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Nation of Men, Not Laws

Read this NYT story on AG Holder's decision that ACORN can be paid additional taxpayer money.

Do you understand yet?


  1. As much as I LOATHE ACORN, I agree that contracts should not be ignored and think it sets dangerous precedent if they are.

    That sure didn't stop them from screwing GM/Chrysler bond-holders and paying their quid-pro-quo to their union buddies though, did it...

    I believe there's no question that ACORN has committed actions egregious enough to justify terminating their contract, but I think it's important that whatever legal process is required should be mandatory. One cannot ignore the rule of law just because one approves of the one specific case...

    Further, (as much as it pains me to say it) they SHOULD be paid for services already rendered.

    That is *IT* however -- not one penny more...

    IOW, let's make sure he gets a fair trial -- THEN we can hang him!


  2. Yes, I do understand. What I don't understand is why our side isn't more active at this point.

  3. This is looking an aweful lot like the last couple years of the soviet union.

  4. That name tag is so very inappropriate.

  5. The name plate says, "Hon. Eric H. Holder Jr".

    There is nothing honorable about this scum-sucking, communistic, piece of dog excrement.

    And that is only the tip of the iceberg of my disgust that I have for this individual.

