Saturday, October 31, 2009

First, We'll Write Letters and Make Phone Calls...Then We'll Vote!

Watch this video, received from a friend, of a civics lesson from Congressman Jack Murtha (D - PA 12).

PajamasTV has more.

Maybe if we waved some signs -- that would change things?

Hey, I know!

We can blog about it.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Then we can turn to getting Charlie Rangel's constituents to do the right thing.

Go-o-o-o, democracy!


  1. Marx has taken over the gov't.

    Fait Accompli.

    There were similar troubles a while back:
    "Believe me, dear Sir: there is not in the British empire a man who more cordially loves a union with Great Britain than I do. But, by the God that made me, I will cease to exist before I yield to a connection on such terms as the British Parliament propose; and in this, I think I speak the sentiments of America."
    —Thomas Jefferson, November 29, 1775

    "If our house be on fire, without inquiring whether it was fired from within or without, we must try to extinguish it."
    - Thomas Jefferson letter to James Lewis, Jr., May 9, 1798

    "You can evade reality, but you cannot evade the consequences of evading reality"
    - Ayn Rand

  2. "But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution."
    - John Adams
