Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Unemployment: The Gathering Storm

Read this essay by Charles Hugh Smith, then ask yourself:

Is it possible that the entire point of the last year's "emergency measures" was the creation of a 20-million-person-plus mob for use in bringing about truly radical change?


That couldn't happen here.

This is America.



  1. "Is it possible that the entire point of the last year's "emergency measures" was the creation of a 20-million-person-plus mob for use in bringing about truly radical change?"

    I think you have a good point that a mob could be created in the short term, to be directed in a riot to do something ugly and French Revolution-y.

    But in the longer term, Charles Hugh Smith appears to be a Luddite. You know: if we replace backbreaking, dirty, and dangerous manual labor with machines, the workers made obsolete will be permanently out of work forever. Society would be better if we still planted corn manually with a pointed stick, instead of with air-conditioned combines. Only then can we have sustainable full employment!

    How about this alternative? 30% of the American workforce is out of work. The sit on the couch for six months until the tax-funded welfare runs out. Then they go outside and start growing food to feed themselves, an act of entrepreneurship which does not require anyone to "employ" them. Then maybe they build a shed for the tractor, retraining themselves for construction work which does not depend on Fed bubble money. Or they study to become a paramedic, so they can afford healthcare. Or they mine the 200 year supply of coal buried in the North American continent.

    After the protectionist whining of the Luddites was successfully ignored, cloth eventually become so cheap that starving people in third world countries wear it. Wouldn't you like to see food or medicine become that cheap? Then reject the Luddites who add new, higher taxes to imported Chinese tires.

  2. Can't happen here, but Pravda says divest;

  3. Sho' 'nuff, can't happen here.
