Friday, July 17, 2009

Feedback on "20 More Questions": Accomplices and Collaborators

Got a call from a friend who was offended by question #21 in our recent "20 More Questions" piece:

21) Do you understand that, with the millions upon millions of vulnerable, unarmed, government-paid collaborators and Quislings at the local, state, and Federal levels, let alone all of the government-owned property in every jurisdiction of this huge country just aching for traditional American political action, one of your biggest problems (after the initial decision and commitment, of course) will be in focusing your efforts so as to achieve maximum effect with minimal exposure to you?

At issue was the implication that every single employee -- armed and unarmed - of the combined local/state/Federal Leviathan was a legitimate recipient of political action, however each individual American defines that activity.

Here's the thing -- every last one of those government employees is subordinate to you, the individual American citizen -- at least according to one of our system's central articles of faith.

In cold reality, compared to private-sector workers and business owners (who, not coincidentally, pay the taxes that feed and house each government parasite's family), they are your betters -- more pay, better benefits, greater job security, shorter hours, more vacation, and much better retirement plans.

In short, all government workers know that you, the American taxpayer, are subordinate to each and every one of them -- from the newest-hired Motor Vehicles drone to the tenured government schoolteacher to the uniformed police officer who just pulled you over for a local revenue opportunity....uh, I guess they still call them "speeding tickets".

And before any readers get their knickers in a twist -- yes, there are dedicated government workers who go above and beyond the call of duty...

And still enjoy better benefits and better retirement perquisites, along with more vacation, than their private-sector peers in equivalent positions.

But that's not the real reason why all government employees should face the wrath of free Americans.

The real reason is much more simple: each civil servant is a cog in Leviathan's machine.

As Vanderboegh pointed out the other day, if you want to break a windmill -- simply throw a wooden shoe into its mechanism.

Ergo, if you want to hobble Leviathan, simply provide creative incentives for the cogs to absent themselves.

If a cog doesn't report to its proper place, the tyrant's infernal machine will grind on, but nearby cogs will notice the absence.

If several cogs no longer are in their assigned positions within the mechanism, the machinery will start creak and shudder.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

And make no mistake: each and every one of those cogs in every government agency chooses every single work day to climb into his or her cubicle and serve the omnivorous beast Government, because doing so is in each cog's best interests.

Engaging Government successfully therefore simply requires a new calculus of self-interest to be created and effectively disseminated to the governing hordes. As Solzhenitsyn said in the The Gulag Archipelago:

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

So don't fret about Leviathan's civil service whores. They've already made their choices, and each has elected to make a career from leeching off the productivity of their former fellow citizens.

So be it.

It's now time for all freedom-lovers to make their choices.

Submission -- or action.

Your call.

Audentes fortuna iuvat.


  1. Of course, most work for the government directly or indirectly. They have a desire to meet Solzhenitsyn in person, yearning for his gulag.
    Of course, Solzhenitsyn is dead.

  2. Best one yet. And exactly what I've been thinking of late.


  3. Just don't forget, not all of us are enemies...remember this fundamental rule: know your target.

  4. There is also a long, long logistical chain required to get the rough men taking Caesar's salt to your home. They are much softer target than the men with guns on the sharp end, and are generally cowards. This means that they can be kept home with much less direct action.

  5. So what about all of these folks?

  6. What a bunch of bullshit. While I usually agree with most of what I read here, you are wrong this time. I am a federal employee. I am subordinate to none of you. None of you are subordinate to me. I should face the wrath of no one and anybody feeling froggy enough to try to give me a little "political action" had better bring along someone experienced in trauma medicine. My love of God, family and country has NOTHING to do with who prints my paycheck. My hate of collectivism and oppression also has nothing to do with who/what I work for. I've taken the oath three times now and meant it every time. There are enough REAL enemies of freedom and liberty without creating even more.

    Anon in GA III

  7. Anon in GA:

    Actually, sir, you are subordinate to everyone here who is not a Federal (or state or local) government worker. Do you not understand the most basic premise of the American Republic -- that its citizens control the government and its employees, and not the other way around?

    The fact is, Anon, that you are as much of a tit-sucker as any welfare leech. Every single cent of your compensation gets stolen, via force of law, from the productive, non-governmental class. You can get all chesty about that fact, but the reality remains. You take the King's shilling, and that fact makes you a King's man.

    Oh, and BTW, what exactly have you done for freedom, given all of your chest-thumping?

    We're waiting....

  8. Re Oath Keepers:

    Presumably, every Oath Keeper who is honest will acknowledge that:

    a) they are paid via taxes collected through the threat of force from American citizens;

    b) as such, they are, by definition, subordinate to the people that pay them, both by virtue of who is actually the productive party in the taxpayer/tax parasite relationship and by virtue of the guiding principles of the American Republic (see comment above);

    c) all of the current and former oathtakers since 1916 or so have failed in their duty to defend the Constitution from domestic enemies such as Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, and the Kenyan, along with the respective Congresses from 1916 forward; and

    d) they are well overdue in actually doing something (other than talking) about reversing that abysmal 93-year record of failure in actual, effective oath-keeping.

    Re Anon and his point re target ID, amen. I do not truly believe that every .gov employee is my enemy.

    But boys and girls, it is no-shit well past time for those men and women of good faith within government to start linking up with the Resistance and getting as much info and materiel out to the freeedom team as possible. Every day that you folks sit on the sideline, the more each of you is tarred forever more with the indelible fecal smear of Comrades Soetero, Pelosi, and Reid.

    Maybe I should have titled the essay "Collaborator, Quisling, or Undercover Operative? Time to Choose".

    Know my rules?

    1) The man or woman shooting besides me at the enemy is my friend;

    2) The man or woman shooting AT me (or helping others shoot at me) is my enemy; and

    3) Anyone not in groups 1 or 2 (unless they are feeding me information/materiel/other logistics support) is, at best, a high security risk.

    Make sense?

  9. Anon in GA:
    Well said, that's about how I feel about it as well. I'm not currently employed directly by the gov't, but I was for a long time, and took the oath many times.

    As for ' Concerned American,' I doubt it. Can you say 'agent provocateur?' I bet you can!

  10. "c) all of the current and former oathtakers since 1916 or so have failed in their duty to defend the Constitution from domestic enemies such as Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, and the Kenyan, along with the respective Congresses from 1916 forward; and

    d) they are well overdue in actually doing something (other than talking) about reversing that abysmal 93-year record of failure in actual, effective oath-keeping."

    So, an organization a mere four months old is not doing enough in your book because ... what? They have not yet turned their guns on Washington? Are you asking for a military coup?

    And whatever you think they should be doing, won't it take time for their message to spread among the military and police? Seems you are faulting them for not having done it all by now.

    "it is no-shit well past time for those men and women of good faith within government to start linking up with the Resistance and getting as much info and materiel out to the freeedom team as possible."

    And why should they do that, when you have just declared indiscriminate open season on all government employees, down to the old lady at the local motor vehicles? That is a sure fire recipe for failure for your "freedom team" since it will be considered a terrorist org. by anyone except radical Atlas Shrugs toting anarchists.

  11. Respectabiggle:
    "Are Oath Keepers legitimate targets?"
    I'm going to go out on a limb, and assume that was meant stimulate thought processes.

    Just a thought for CA and others: the vast majority of Oath Keepers are/were shooters.

    Anon in GA: well said!

  12. "[...] is my friend"

    The division is far from being that simple. On which side, and how far on that side, are those that wish to forcibly impose a Constitution, because they can't imagine any reasonable alternative?

  13. Anon:

    Agreed. The concept of true individual freedom is almost as frightening to many as it is to the statists.

    We've got some tough roes to hoe.

  14. If and when the lead starts flying from a gov't at the citizens, by way of official policy, yes all government employees become legitimate targets. Excellent series of facts and corrective responses CA.


  15. The question of collaborators and accomplices is a question that maybe answered sooner than we think.

    I keep hearing reports that HLS and the Pentagon are going to the VFW’s and American legion posts and asking for a copy of their records on every member or person that has supported the respective posts.

    The feds are getting down right pissy with some of the old vets that run these posts and the older vets are getting pissy right back.

    In one case that I read about the feds want these records by July 24.

    If you’re a vet with special skills I suggest you find a way to get lost when the time comes.

  16. I think the 'takes tax money...must be loyal to tax and spend' idea is as oversimplified as the 6th grade teacher's description of government. There are plenty of stereotypical unionized Democratic voters employed privately who are far more loyal to tax-and-spend than many white collar workers. The State has taken over so much of the economy that it's hard to work a job without appearing to support the State by their actions. I think a better gauge of buy-in to the State comes from asking: would your job exist if the State didn't exist? Examples: insurance company CEO earning $10M/year: yes. Tax collector: no.

  17. As an Army Officer and Oath Keeper I take offense at the idea of "every federal employee" is bad/enemy.

    1) as a Soldier and citizen with a strong interest in guns, if you shoot at me, chances are, I'm going to kill you first.

    2) if the federals ever start SS style arrests, don't you want people in the federal government to be able to warn you?

    3) the founding father created the federal government for a reason, that reason still exists, even though it is greatly over stepped.

    4) before, during, or after writing any of these posts, have you written your local congressmen, the way our founding fathers would have wanted you to. I wrote mine earlier this month, and try to do so at least every other month or so.

  18. Kevin:

    Read the comment above again, in which I reply to Anon:

    Re Anon and his point re target ID, amen. I do not truly believe that every .gov employee is my enemy.

    But boys and girls, it is no-shit well past time for those men and women of good faith within government to start linking up with the Resistance and getting as much info and materiel out to the freedom team as possible. Every day that you folks sit on the sideline, the more each of you is tarred forever more with the indelible fecal smear of Comrades Soetero, Pelosi, and Reid.

    Now, Kevin, I do appreciate your service -- and I would add that I conspicuously did not include .mil folks in my indictment. You sure you really want to be considered a .gov employee?


    But my point about guilt by association remains. Every day that people like yourself who know what POTUS and the Congress have planned for this country and yet fail to act is one day more for which those people will be called to account -- if not in this sphere then in the Next.

    As an Army Officer, you know to whom your ultimate loyalty lies. Act on that knowledge, while hostilities can still be avoided.

    Trust me -- it won't be any easier as time goes by.

  19. Kevin:

    My Congressman is as far left as anybody on this side of the Mississippi and will support the Kenyan through anything (symbolic, doncha know).

    My Senators are gutless sacks of phlegm.

    I contact each regularly -- in language far more temperate than this entry.

    By doing so, I know for a fact that the political route has exactly a 0% chance of restoring American freedoms.

    Beat your head against that door all you want. I have moved on.

    Join us.

  20. So, an organization a mere four months old is not doing enough in your book because ... what?

    I think you are conflating two different things: oath takers and oath keepers.

    The first is a _much_ larger group than the second. And therein is the major problem.

  21. One who has taken the oath or one who has not taken the oath can be of concern. I know of two people, one a purple heart veteran (Vietnam) and one draft dodger who are both retired, or just not working. Haven't found out about one as one is retired. But, both agree that Obama and the democratic party is your best bet as they are both from the ranks of labor; just as I am, but there is a difference. As an oath keeper, and having taken the oath on 3 separate occasions, I know who my enemy is and that enemy is one who violates the Bill of Rights. That enemy is known by all who know right from wrong and when it comes to our government, the fact that it has trampled the Bill of Rights and Constitution has ID'd the enemy. So, being either a government employee or civilian, you will either cross the line or stand fast on your present side of the line as the police did in New Orleans during the high water disturbance which caused or resulted in a Constitutional break down. The grain will be sorted from the chaff on that first door knock if not before. Civilian or government, there will be choices to made, some good and some bad but the enemy of the Constitutionalist, based on the original reason and meaning of the Constitution, will be identified in quick time fashion.
