Thursday, March 12, 2009


Note the caption on this Reuters photo:

U.S. Army soldiers from Ft. Rucker patrol the downtown area of Samson, Alabama after a shooting spree March 10, 2009.
REUTERS/Mark Wallheiser

I'm going with "Responding to a request from local law enforcement, elements of a military police unit stationed at Fort Rucker were temporarily deployed to provide local security and to reassure residents."

Here's the Garrison Commander's biography; the direct line listed for the "Commanding General" is 334-255-2600.

Anyone feel like giving Colonel Kelley a call and asking her why Reuters is alleging that troops from her command were deployed in Samson?

Report any feedback in the comments section.

UPDATE 2350 EDT 11 MAR 09: Vanderboegh weighs in.

1 comment:

  1. Sometime later this morning I'll call out there and try to speak to her. At the very least, I'll get her email and pose my questions and comments in writing. I'm doubtful that she'll take my call, but it's sure worth a try.
