Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Repost: 20 Questions

If your spouse ran into the room and said her brother - a state trooper - just called to warn that raids under the new Federal assault weapons/domestic terrorism laws were beginning tonight:

1) Would you flee, assuming that you believed yourself to be "a person of interest"?

2) Whether your decision was to flee or to stand, what would your spouse and children do?

3) What would you and your family use as money and travel documents?

4) Would you have an adequate bag or two suitably packed and ready to go for each "fugitive"?

5) Would you have all medical necessities addressed for you and your family (e.g., teeth, immunizations, mitigation of any preexisting conditions, adequate supplies of maintenance drugs, etc.)?

6) What about three-season (fall/winter/spring) clothing for you and each family member?

7) What would you use for transportation?

8) What would you use to refuel your transportation?

9) Where would you go?

10) By what route(s)?

11) Upon arrival, where would you stay and for how long?

12) What would you use for communications (both receive and transmit)?

13) What would you tell your employer?

14) What would you tell your neighbors?

15) What would you tell your friends and family?

16) What would you use to buy what you need while in flight (fuel, food, transport, bribes, etc.)?

17) How would you alter your and your family's physical appearances while in flight?

18) Who would be your allies trustworthy enough to guard your life and the lives of your family?

19) How would you contact your allies?

20) What are your three alternate plans for each of the preceding questions?

Tempus fugit.


  1. I would tell my wife to leave with the children for wherever she wants to go, get my gear, and go after THEM. I'm sick of this runnin' crap.

  2. 1. Don't go anywhere, just use the things that you have already prepared. If you had any intelligent brain material at all, you would have had a way to defend yourself, a months worth of food and water and a network of friends that you can call on that would be willing to ambush the traitors before they ever get near your home.

  3. Good list - it requires much thought now if not already done. When you realize you need to know the answers, it may be too late - plan ahead for the coming problems & contingencies.

  4. I wouldn't run. I'd rather stand and fight..to the death if need be. I've already told my family, if this sort of thing ever comes to pass..get out of the house and away from the neighborhood. My only hope is that my neighbors will help out by catching the invaders in a cross fire...and I think they would.

  5. I would go directly to my psychiatrist's office as I clearly have been listening too long to the tinfoil hats.

    I'm not saying they aren't out to get you, and won't come for you at some point, but don't you have plenty of other shit to worry about?

  6. What did our Founding Fathers do after Paul Revere and William Dawes spread the alarm? I suspect that most thoughtful patriots who visit this website already have a good idea how they are going to react. May God save our Republic!

  7. "If your spouse ran into the room and said her brother - a state trooper - just called to warn that raids under the new Federal assault weapons/domestic terrorism laws were beginning tonight:"

    I think that we'd know far in advance - this thing simply would have to be too big to hide, esp. when a lot of people in all branches of government are on our side (even if they aren't making the decisions). IOW, I think that this particular premise is a bit flawed...

    ...though the general question of "what will you do if..." needs to be answered by each individual or small group, and done so in a thoughtful and realistic manner. In that sense, this is an excellent post. It gets everyone to thinking...and the more that lots of people begin to formulate responses, whether they post them or not (such as "I'm going hunting" and the like), the less likely it is that such responses will be necessary (which is, I believe, the whole point of this and similar posts here and elsewhere - they are the rattlesnake shaking his tail for all he's worth, telling the world to leave him the F alone, OR ELSE).

  8. Flee?

    Your kidding, right?

    What would you do if it were a bunch of chinese invading and taking your weapons?

    What is the difference in enemies foreign or domestic?

  9. There is "flee" and then there is "flee".

    Defending fixed positions gets you dead, especially with (tactically) inferior numbers and assets.

    A lot of good folks are going to die learning that lesson.

  10. There's always Hit & Run Tactics.

    Your main party continueson to safe havens that have been agreed to beforehand.
    As the Men make some Pain. Then Pull back and wait & Hit again.
    Will create intimidation.
    Why? Your pursuers will not know when you are gonna strike at them next, or from where.
    Will slow them down.

  11. Well, this house to house raiding isn't going to happen. Too many kooks like myself around, and the lessons of places like Stalingrad to dwell upon for military/police locked in to any grand conspiracy.
    One, cops are more patriotic than most. They won't abide by this kind of nonsense. Second, many nations have overthrown dictators without any arms in public possession. The Romanians took them from the army and police, and as soon as they saw the furry of the masses the army and police went in to hidding. What is best to remember is that doing nothing is the worst thing possible. Gun owners should organize large armed protests and put some fear back in to the system, some respect for the worker bees is what's needed by these damn politicans.

  12. Well, this house to house raiding isn't going to happen. Too many kooks like myself around, and the lessons of places like Stalingrad to dwell upon for military/police locked in to any grand conspiracy.
    One, cops are more patriotic than most. They won't abide by this kind of nonsense. Second, many nations have overthrown dictators without any arms in public possession. The Romanians took them from the army and police, and as soon as they saw the furry of the masses the army and police went in to hidding. What is best to remember is that doing nothing is the worst thing possible. Gun owners should organize large armed protests and put some fear back in to the system, some respect for the worker bees is what's needed by these politicans.

  13. Yea, what's the difference between foreign invaders or domestic traitors? Treason is treason, and Invasion is invasion. Who cares what they say they are doing. UN troops from Canada just helping out with the domestic problems? Or, part of a plan for treason?
    The British sent some poor smucks to disarm some tribal folks in Afganistan recently and guess what, they all got killed. Fact is, the last ones were holding out pictures of their familys begging for their lives when they got shot.
    Seems that disarming the natives was reconsidered after that incident. Go figure.

  14. Concerned American, there are worse things than death. Like flee, you hide, I will fight.

  15. Dying in place at the address the FedGov has for you is neither brave nor patriotic.

    "Flee" simply means not being where your 4473s show as your home.

    There's going to be enough unpleasantness w/o freedom-loving folks signing up to die unnecessarily.

  16. And when you get tired of running? What then? Do you then choose to stand? With all respect, it appears you are not as fed up with all of this mess as I. I was born here, I am old, tired and angry and I will not flee from any tyrranical gov., foreign or domestic. Just as David of old, I will go to meet the enemy and there it will be done. It is not about bravery or patriotism, it is about being fed up with being tread on. I will say no more concerning this matter.

  17. I think Waco showed pretty clearly what happens to small armed groups that stand and fight. The good souls at Waco won the first day. They let the ATF agents retreat. The next day fed goons came back with reinforcements and a tank. Members of MOVE in Philadelphia were winning their standoff before the PD used a helicopter to drop a bomb on them. For all practical purposes, the State possesses unlimited resources.

    Maneuver is key to any civilian resistance. Guerrillas don't fight from fortresses, they shoot and move, winning the sympathy of non-combatants and exhausting their larger, more cumbersome adversaries.

  18. In addition, if people understood Boyd's Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) loop, they would understand that not only does the OpFor not have the resources to hit all places simultaneously, but they also do not have the ability to react when folks think faster that they can.

    Hit 'em where they (the pointy-end of the spear) ain't.

    Again, people who are freedom-minded need to get out of the "it's my castle and I will defend it" mode.

  19. I just stumbled upon this article through Steve Quayle's website and find your discussion very interesting. Having been in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 6 years, literally. I only go home for 2 weeks every 4 months. I found an author who clearly understands guerilla and insurgent warfare. His name is Poole. He has authored several books on ht subject. Start with "The Last Hundred yards" to find his works on Amazon. They are all well worth the read and to keep for reference. Best of luck to anyone who decides to stand and fight!

  20. I'm an old single gay man. I don't have to worry about kids or women.

    Gee, kinda of an exciting question. I mean, been victimized all my life by the system anyways.

    Well, I've been preparing for this kind of blantant treason. I mean the writting been on the wall for a while now.

    Cached some stuff in the highways and byways. Left a map for a special person in case I die. I've prepared with food, and am building a bunker, just in case. Hey, I don't have the hassles of the rest of you. I do what I want.

    I sold a few guns to a previously dead guy, so technically I don't own but a couple.

    So, you say some old flame calls and warns me these idiots are making a go at treason in the open?
    What do I do, what do I do?

    Well, I'm gonna go and get the guns I own and say goodby to them.
    Here ya go Mr. Traitor. I never really wanted them anyways. I just got them because I'm old and afraid. It's a such a relief to finally not have to worry about all those guns on the street. Bye, bye now, look out for the IED's.

    Afterwards, well, I'm going shopping. I'd sure like to get my hands on a new XM29, and how else is that going to happen. Thanks for bringing one to my neighborhood. It makes shopping so much easier.

    Any ideas when the shopping might start? The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to die before all the fun starts.

  21. You guys are kidding yourselves if you think it’s going to play out in any of the scenarios described. The comparison with Afghanistan is completely bogus. The Afghans have been at war forever, they live in a tribal society, are heavily armed and prepared to fight, and have just about nothing to lose except a life spent in poverty and misery. This country is full of pampered and deluded people who don’t want to lose their HDTV’s and Starbuck’s frappucinos.

    If the government wants your guns they’ll first create a pretext by staging a false-flag terrorist op or creating some other kind of “national emergency.” Gun owners will be marginalized as a threat that must be neutralized for the “good of the country.” They’ll announce a grace period for everyone to turn in their guns to be followed by the imposition of a draconian penalty.

    They may even claim it is going to be temporary and guns will be returned after the emergency. They may go through the charade of inventorying your weapons and giving you documents with which to reclaim them “after the emergency is over.” That’s all it will take for most people to turn in their guns. Let’s not forget that the media has been demonizing guns and gun ownership for decades now, and there are millions of your countrymen who think you’re a dangerous wacko for even owning a gun.

    Those hold outs left with guns will then be part of a very small minority that is perceived as a threat to the country (after all, since you didn’t obey the law you’re now a “criminal”), requiring good “patriotic” Americans to turn them in to the authorities, with the understanding that they will be rewarded, while if it is discovered they knew and didn’t report it they will also suffer a draconian punishment. That mother-in-law, cousin, brother-in-law, uncle, neighbor, etc, that doesn’t like you or your politics won’t even need the incentive of a reward to turn you in.

    If they think it is still necessary at this point, when it looks like they’ve got all they’re going to get this way, they’ll pick someplace where there are a lot of registered gun owners (remember, they’re going to have records that allow them to estimate the hold out ratio), or some community that has been vocal about opposing confiscation, and stage a sweep there. They’ll give everyone an opportunity to surrender their guns and then go in using full military force. Anyone who resists in any way will be exterminated. After that, all except the most hardcore diehards will turn in their weapons.

    As far as running goes, run to where, with what, living how? This country is already locked down tighter than a drum. In the kind of scenario we’re talking about you’re going to need special ID’s. People will be told to be suspicious of people paying in cash, and especially of anyone using gold or silver, and people from out of town. You have children –then why aren’t they in school? Work places will be required to report people who don’t show up for work and people seeking employment. If you join a group somewhere you’ll be even easier to identify and eliminate, ‘cause at this point they’ll be taking out “militant groups” with predator drones. You won’t last a week on the run unless you can get out of the country and are prepared to live abroad.

    Virtually no one with a family is going to fight. You fight and your family is dead. That leaves old people and young singles. Maybe a few old couples will go down together fighting, and a few single males with romantic notions of glory or nothing to lose. Let’s not forget that not one person resisted turning in their guns in the aftermath of Katrina, and the same logic that rationalized that will rationalize cooperation during a national confiscation –that it will be temporary, only until the emergency is passed, and it’s not worth dying for.

  22. When people start dropping like flies.... that is when the confiscation would start. I am amazed that adding 2 + 2 seems to yield 6 today.

    If you bother to add all the clues into a single formulation, it is not required that a rocket scientist interpret the data. The wording of congressional bills, the preparations of national groups such as FEMA etc..., the preparedness of "vaccines" to epidemics which have not even happened with, to the impossibly accidental contamination of flu vaccines with h5n1 bird flu (a level 2 or 3 bio-hazard material).... I said "impossibly accidental" since flu vaccines are not produced in a bio-hazard lab handling such lethally dangerous viruses to begin with, let alone the same room designed specifically to prevent viral or bacterial escape from the room! DUH!

    Understand please, that all concerned know full well that the number of gun owners in the US FAR outnumbers the combined personnel of BOTH the police and all branches of the armed services combined. In fact, we have more gun owners in the US than the standing army of CHINA! If one out of 10 managed to hit 1 aggressor, they would run out of troops long before the US ran out of gun owners.

    Simple fact.

    Now, they also know that a determined effort by a small percentage of those would crush opposition, even considering force multipliers, such as helis, planes, tanks, APC's, and drones.

    Too many people would initially "shop around", as some people have already hinted. There is also to be considered the stated movements of military and police personel, which would defect to the cause of the citizens, and bring their own supplies....

    To be blunt, not even a stupid and arrogant aggressor would try such facing what is evident, unless they believe that there would be no cohesion to the forces opposed. Which, from what I have seen from all the hillbilly mentality (watch your own back, let everyone else fend for themselves garbage), might actually be the case.

    If that time ever comes, quite simply you must stand united, or die separately. A house divided against itself cannot (and will not) stand.

    I personally hope that time never comes within my lifetime, but I do know that such mentalities as what have been cooking up these schemes are cold and completely ruthless.

    United, 5% of the population took on a much larger, much better equipped and trained fighting force, and won.

    We became a nation united then, hopefully we can remain one now.

  23. "United, 5% of the population took on a much larger, much better equipped and trained fighting force, and won."

    This is mythology, not history. There is no comparison between the situation then and now. We had significant material support from France, who was at war with Britain. Most importantly, both sides had roughly the same weapons capabilities.

    There's not going to be any militia fought revolution in this country that is anything like the revolutionary war. All you need to do to see what's going to happen is look at Gaza and Iraq. There are no battles with US or Israeli forces that don't result in annihilation for the enemy. That's why the other side uses rockets and IEDs and suicide bombers.

    If you want to talk about the military being on our side, yeah, that's a different equation. But I think you're underestimating the kind of demonization process that's going to take place before anything like this happens, and the controlling infrastructure. This isn't going to happen tomorrow.

  24. If GOD is with us - We can kick their asses.
    Lock and load NOW......and pray we have God's
    army with us.
    We are not going to run. We are going to
    fight to the death of the body.
    Then if killed........I will ask to help
    in the spirit body.
    <><..........NO FEAR........

  25. To those that think most gun owners will give up their guns are fooling themselves. Most will keep their guns and stand and fight. As for the un showing up I have no doubt that that will happen. However that would be an invasion and will be delt with. Most of silent majority are waking up and have made more preporations then some think.
    As for the military and law enforcement most will not go along with martial law. They will stand with us.
